Jo guys, somebody here mining with AMD using the SGminer x16R version?
Here it was mining for a few minutes, drivers crashed and i can not get it work again.
Problem: miner close immeditaly after starting.
What i already tried:
- Look if the .bat file is wrong
- Create a .conf to run from
- Used DDU to uninstall all AMD related drivers
- Installed 1x newest AMD version + SDK package -> uninstalled again with DDU
- Installed 1x AMD Blockchain version + SDK package (both amd drivers i also tested without SDK package)
- Using the standard Windows 10 Pro AntiVirus -> also set the AV up so it avoid my sgminer folders
*i got 0 / NO problems with mining while using Claymore (for ZCASH / ETH), got no problems with xmrstak (cryptonight), i only got this problem with SGminer (tried different SGminer versions what are supporting x16r)
Somebody know the solution for this problem? I checked google, but my pool is correct, my username, my password, got no spaces or whatsoever what can be wrong..
Test system for Ravencoin:
full update Windows 10 Pro 64bit (official)
1x R9 290 Tri-X OC (AMD blockchain drivers, also tried the newest normall AMD drivers with the latest SDK package)
all running on an SSD
Using a clean .bat now for testing with the line: sgminer.exe -k x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u joenn.thuis -p 1
I had similar issues and have gotten 3/4 cpus to work with the 4th still not working. Truth is sgminer is not a great miner but the only option right now. It just does not work well with the current AMD driver set on windows 10 in many systems.
What I would do first is open up Windows event viewer. Run the miner and see what errors are recorded in the event viewer. Google the error and see what the file is. 9 times out of 10 the errors are related to drivers or how sgminer maps the cards vs how the drivers do. On one system I tried every driver until I got all the way back to 15.whatever before it would work. This required going into safe mode and running DDU and rebooting and installing another version until it worked over and over.
On one rig (ASUS MB made for 19 cards but really only supports 13...) the issue was that I had to use gpu platform 2. Zero was the onboard, 1 was nvidia and 2 was AMD.