Linux support is here!
Added required files and permissions to source code to compile on Linux.
Windows release is the same as v2.2
Added estimate for RVN earned per day (displays every 5th share)
Cleaned up Display:
-Removed hash order display
-Removed first algorithm display
-Removed Core clock, GPU temp, and GPU fan speed display, now only displays Efficiency (kH/W) and Power (W)
-(Afterburner and other programs display this better anyways)
-Note: Only removed display, the code to monitor these values is unaffected and any options related to them should be available.
Anyone knows how to display current mining algorithm with this miner ?
Hey there, I decided to remove the display of anything related to that. Let me explain why. x16r uses 16 hash functions randomized by the previous block. Whenever you submit a valid share it is because your miner received that hash function order, went through all 16 hash functions, got an output, and checked that output against the server/blockchain to confirm it was valid. Each hash function alone (skein, keccak, sha512, simd, etc) is executed in a very brief time (a few seconds at most, tenths of a second at the lower end). To display which hash function the miner is "currently" on would require printing at least 16 lines in between each accepted share. That is simply to much (in my opinion not extremely important) information to display on the console. Also considering that printing those lines every share is not computationally "free" I have decided I do not want it in my main build.
With that being said it is not an issue for me to compile a custom version for you with the line that displays the single character versions of the hash order.
For example ^.
'Linux' support?
Or ubuntu support? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop using the term linux as being ubuntu.
Compile in RHEL based systems also and you will have our interest in our farm. Fedora 27 x64 and Centos 7 x64.
Until then, you have UBUNTU support which is only ONE linux distribution, NOT a blanket 'linux support'.
Would be appreciated.
If you need us to compile for you, we can.
Hey, I am very sorry for that mistake. I actually had someone assist me over discord in even getting Ubuntu support (thanks again for correction) as I only have Windows and I don't know much about the difference between Linux and Ubuntu.
I would really appreciate you helping me get my miner compiled to at least support the OS your farm is running. Message me on discord @--Banshee#1413 or PM me here
Thanks for the offer.
Every miner developer please write for which GPU card is your miner intended. People waste a lot of time to figure that out, and you can just write that in your posts. Thank you.
I am sorry about that. nVidia only
Interested, any comparison against other miners? I have been mining with Enemy/Suprnova, so far seems good, seems to be the most used Miner at the moment, at least on Ravenminer pool.
Sorry I do not have any direct comparisons with Enemy miner as I do not personally run enemy miner.
Feel free to post some though if you can!
Just started with your latest windows version, in a few hours will see how the coins move, im still on suprnova pool, it might not be a 100% fair comparison as difficulty and hashrates varies almost by the minute.
Any particular settings/OC you recommend? i have a few different rigs, have basically every Nvidia card from 1060 3GB up to 1080TI.
Awesome thanks for giving it a shot! Please let me know your results.
I recommend as much core OC you can get as long as its stable. I use +125.
+500 memory OC (Some people use 0, or even -502. Experiment with this one yourself. But core is most important)
60% power
70C temp limit
Also, Ravencoin Miner has been updated to v2.3. This build contains a fix for the miner not submitting valid shares when the Hamsi hash function was the first hash function in the hash order and this nets around a 6% increase in overall hash rate.
Ravencoin Miner: an optimized open source miner created specifically for Ravencoin.
Fix miner not submitting shares when Hamsi was first Hash function!
6% increase in overall hash rate!
Ubuntu support
Added estimate for RVN earned per day (displays every 5th share)
Linux Support
Cleaned up Display:
-Removed hash order display (Optional)
-Removed first algorithm display (Optional)
-Removed Core clock, GPU temp, and GPU fan speed display, now only displays Efficiency and Power
-(Afterburner and other programs display this better anyways)
-Note: Only removed display, the code to monitor these values is unaffected and any options related to them should be available.
Why the 60% power limit advice, can you elaborate on that please? I would think that 100% power limit is more stable and is more profitable, (while using more electricity of course).
Most people have noticed that the extra power is not totally necessary with x16r. But yea in reality I should have said around 60-80% power is good for most people. I just like lower temps for running 24/7. And my gpu is inside my case so not the best air flow.
I have been running 60% power for a few weeks now and it has been totally stable for me. The un-stability comes in if your core clock or memory clock is to high.
Feel free to experiment with your own settings obviously my settings we just stable settings I have been running with solid results