willing to donate 1.000,000 of pinkcoin
for design ,someone else?
Didn't quite get what you were saying there. You mean a 1 mill bounty for someone to incorporate anonymous transactions in the Pinkcoin wallet? Or for another coin wallet of yours?
watching libertycoin are deploying anonymous system for about 10 btc,
Now let's do some math
xc coin with 30mil and full system anom reaches 80k sat
in the event of 300mil pinkcoin system anom get 4k or 8k sat?
depends on the support of the community, put this goal in op it will explode
Funny you should bring this up,
The man behind http://cosmiclottery.com/libertycoin/ is the same man behind https://twitter.com/pinklottery :0
Just saying, this is a possibility.
But a $10k bounty for XLB vs 3,000,000 pc is a noticeable difference.
Sumgye, send me a pm when you are on.
found the man like I said depends on the community
to increase my offer to join pinkcoin 2,000,000 + 1btc
if this is something the community wants and thinks is necessary I will throw 1,00,000 pinkcoin to the project.
I would like to note that we have come up with a pretty interesting, unique, and innovative wallet feature that I have been in touch with the dev in question about integrating. I've been told that when he is finished with the Libertycoin wallet in a few days he's all ours
Massive things are in motion for Pinkcoin, be ahead of the game, don't get left behind.
thank you guy
Now we have enjoyed 3,000.000 pinkcoin + 1btc for anonymous project
lets go community prefer pink coin worth 100sat or +1000sat