As I said before, I would send there something, but I don't think there is enough information out now for potential investors. I asked for some info before but I understand you are busy. Anyway sooner or later you will have to give more detailed explanation and only after that you can get some serious feedback. I am really looking forward to the launch and some whitepaper.
Yeah, one thing I see as a VERY IMPORTANT, guys, just once you start putting the system into real use, I think that the vendors the PINK team should be seeking out and asking to participate should be primarily from the "fair trade", "bio" and other enlightened corners of today's business. Of course, such a step is something that should not be done just like by saying hey let's do it, because if agreed on, would be an important piece into the overall PINK strategy. I believe it that is the way to go for PINK coin, because it is a pink thing to do and it seems to be in harmony with course set up so far. This said, PINK as a currency is available for everyone and it's use cannot be restricted. BUT, it is also important to show what kind of business PINK COIN would like to support. Although it might seem as pointless restricting and I can see why someone would yell, every vendor is good, wide acceptance rules. This is just about showing support and perhaps later giving something like a "PINK stamp" to the businesses that would show especially good approach towards values in favor of a PINK community. Way to go to get there, but I believe you will or will not be setting the foundations very soon. Cancer fighting support is a nice thing and should be accomplished, but it is not something that could be sufficient as a major topic for a currency if it is supposed to grow really big. You gotta go to the business and that means a PINK business.
Stay PINK!
As for more details, the whole point of this is to spark the conversations, and let those willing to invest, and the community help decide the best strategy. We could easily slap $10,000 fiat into the PayPal ourselves and just let it run, but I felt this was your opportunity as a community to step up and be part of the plan. Do you investors want a small profit from each transaction? A monthly payout? or just invest one day, withdraw another? If it is the community that profits from Pay With Pink, it will be the community that benefits most from going out there and getting the vendors. We are mostly a bunch of devs, and this is by no means are strong suit.
The beauty of Pay With Pink is that any one will be able to go get vendors. If you would like to see the focus on "fair trade" and "bio" than of course, you would just have to go after them or collaberate with others to do the same. I personally will be targeting Breast Cancer businesses and trying to get the Pinkcoin logo beside all the Pink Ribbons for all the merchandise available. I will be getting my mechanic on board, my local fish store and other stores I frequent regularly that offer online shopping solutions.
I am not sure if my response is along the lines of your statements/questions, but I tried lol.