So when you and Tranzium brought SOMETHING to PINK, it's price was already much, much, MUCH higher (like 10 times higher?) that the 6 SAT the you originally li-- er failed in memory, is that the right description of facts? Because I can prove it...
And wait. did you just take us to a DIFFERENT pink coin thread with your link? Not THE REVAMPED pinkcoin thread? You cannot be serious!!!!Oh, you are...
Let me put it to you in plain words that you can understand: You have not done anything for PINK, Pink has done for you, providing you with a window to sell software, a window the community has been not aware of until recently when Boxxa exposed it publicly. Since you and Tranzium's features, whatever you want to call them, were brought online, the price of the coin, as of today, is BELOW what it was then. So your HOBBY has, in fact, cost pINK, not brought anything to PINK.
Clear now?
And that's not to make any mention that all those "features" have re-direct PINK away from it original pathway, as the FRIST CHARITY COIN and the CLEAN COIN, the GOOD BOYS coin. THOSE are your contributions. Still think the "deserving" applies?
Yup, you can go back to the beginning of this thread, and see that when the anon was released, the price was much, much lower than your mentioned 60 SATs. I believe it was around 15-20 at the time of the anon release.
Yeah, that other thread, the original Pinkcoin thread, where I first met the team and bought at around 6 SATs BEFORE the revamp. Serious, yes I am...
Very clear.
Oh, and those features are responsible for the majority of the raised charity funds. Is that clear now?
And you can go through the thread to find that people were made well aware of the lottery bot going to other coins, well before Boxxa said anything.
So it seems my hobby has not only allowed you to make money from Pinkcoin, but it has also raised a great amount for charity.
You sir, are an ungrateful train wreck, and the #1 cause for all price declines in Pinkcoin.
Let me put it in plain words that you can understand: You have not done anything for PINK.
Not that it is any credit -you have made it into an embarrassment, actually- but I placed Pink Coin in THE WALL OF HONOR, only coin there so far.
THEN quite deservedly. That was before anon. That was before poker. And that was when charity was a HUGE feature in this coin's plans and roadmap.
Now, this train wreck has not raised any charity funds in 6 weeks -and before that a minimal amount- and is looking ONLY as a gambling site and a window to advertise and sell software created for PINK by VOLUNTEERS. Oh, and of late, a promotion, supporting, escrowing and endorsing of the SEED debacle too.
The sad thing is that you are serious. The good thing is that no one else, fortunately, takes it seriously anywhere anymore.
Oh and, as a trader in modest amounts, I make -and lose- money all the time. In train wrecks like this as well as in many others, none of which I am grateful or ungrateful for since any gains or any losses are due to my decisions, not yours, peregrine as they might be.
Edit to add: And you are giving me quite undeserved credit, of course. Your deluded mind actually seriously believe that I have any influence whatsoever in the price of the coin, which only a very, seriously disturbed individual can possible even conceive. Seriously.