Небольшой дайджест событий.
Очередное сотрудничество:
Проект Agrello позиционирует себя как площадка по созданию и продвижению смарт-контрактов в широкие массы. Базируется в сети Ethereum но разработчики видят кросс-чейновое Будущее. И наш Муравейник попал в их число.
На сегодня(10 июня) в Шанхае запланирован важный экосистемный эвент :
** small ant developer line exchange session · first phase **https://www.v2ex.com/t/366297https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.v2ex.com%2Ft%2F366297&edit-text=&act=urlSmall ants is the earliest open source public chain project, is a smart asset platform. Intelligent assets are the combination of smart contract and digital assets in the block chain, which makes the digital assets registered, distributed and distributed in the small ants more intelligent. At the same time, the small ant through the digital certificate to solve the public chain of trust, the user through the digital certificate registered by the distribution of assets will enjoy the protection of the law.
The small ants follow the MIT open source agreement, code hosting in Github, has attracted more and more enthusiasts and developers. Among them, enthusiasts like this evaluation of small ants: "If the small ant agreement compared to the root, then each based on the small ant agreement business layer is a fruit, and ultimately the formation of a tree-like commercial ecological chain." Therefore, any developer can develop their own profitable products based on the small ant agreement.
In order to promote the development of the project based on the small ant project and to create a common exchange and learning opportunities for the developers of the small ant community, the small ants specially held a line exchange meeting in Shanghai on June 10, 2017, Friends can face to face to discuss the exchange.
We believe that here you can ask for the master, you can get to know the block chain project partners, must be connected to you and the block chain core developers an excellent opportunity to communicate.
PS: the scene lucky people can get 100 small ant shares
Activity time: June 10, 2017 13: 30-17: 00
Address: COFOSPACE coffee area on the first floor of Building C, 200 Tianlin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Number of participants : 50-80 people
Activity Agenda:
13: 30-14: 00 check in
14: 00-14: 40 "small ants: block chain digital assets and application platform" small ant core developer Zhang Zhengwen
14: 40-15: 10 "Scenes based on small ants application: NEST Smart Fund" NEST sponsor Tao Rongqi
15: 10-15: 20 coffee break
15: 20-15: 50 "to create a better small ant wallet client" small ant community technology enthusiasts Li Jianying
15: 50-16: 20 "Chain Chain Technology Supply Chain Application Ten Questions" Manufacturing Circulation Field Supply Chain Block Chain Pathfinder Anthony Open Discussion Session
16: 20-16: 50 Q & A and free communication
16: 50-17: 00 lottery session
Помимо насущных вопросов - важная цель митапа в обратной связи между девами ANS и сторонними разработчиками - сильное комьюнити кодеров = фундамент. Была даже трансляция но я слишком поздно добрался до информации :/ Ждём фазу номер 2. Фигурирует дата 22 июня как важный рубеж(но это не точно).
На одну китайскую биржу стало больше - Jubi. Оборот на текущий момент 4 миллиона долларов.
Гитхаб -
Необходимо отдать дань традициям (^_^)
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