and what happened if it'll be only 200 M?
Is there a lot of people who interested in cryptocurrency in Russia?
do you have laws or something, which regulated cryptocurrency?
Actually no, just 2 % know about cryptocurrency, and 10 heard about it. Speaking about laws, there is nothing,which regulated cryptocurrency, but our government plan to ordain a law very soon.
That's good to hear. I think you are glad you are not living in China at the moment...
Bu-bu, du-du Im back in the town after a prolonged break, Im happy and I look for individuals needing my contribution or advice so that they could organize their workspace more efficiently. I would say only 0.00004% of population are aware about existence of cryptos, at least in my location. We got 93% of elderly >80 yo and dying people, and another 7% of drug dealers, coffee makers and mentalists.