people were sure that Moneypot will implement RBIES for the players and for investors to invest in the BR.
@gamblingbad and@ Lanzador and more people and also we bought RBIES because MP always announced RBIES coming soon!
everyone should be allowed to voice his opinion
the last answer to user @Lanzador the so called troll
I agree with tyour post quoted above: but I would guess you agree with me that the missed Moneypot implementation is not a rubies fault but rubies developers has suffered it in spite of themselves.
It is as if a child had not been invited to a party and others people blaming on him.
Not assuming that with MP implementation their project would have definitely succeed but the fact it did not happen at the right time was an missed opportunity.
PS: he wasn't called troll for buying rubies but because of his attitude; here is a last example of it
Moneypot themselves stated several times rubies implementation was (is ?) about to happen: why you still accusing rubies developers of making "unlegit" claims since the beginning?
Call this attitude as you like best, I have a specific name for it.
You were relying on a MP implementation to get the volume you needed to take off before - how is it any different now? Are you guys still not relying on MP to get the volume necessary to become a legitimate cryptocurrency? I fail to see what exactly is different this time around.