Rubies is in many ways a great success, however, the stigma of it being a "gambling coin" only hindered it's initial growth. Although it was not intended for this use only, I'm changing the thread title to embrace the niche Rubies has been categorized publicly into. There is no reason to fight public perception after so long, and as such it will be labeled as perceived. Good fortune everyone.
Rubies has not in anyway been a sucess. Stop posting bullshit and start talk real and not about your imagninary fantasy world.
If you think RBIES is unsuccessful then provide ideas on how to improve it instead of coming here posting bullshit.
why should gamblingbad or anyone give any ideas? and he is not talking BS and it is not nice to say that but it looks that you dont have a lot to say.
RBIES is for many not a success but for a view yes and especially for the inventors. and price and marketcap is telling a story and if you dont see it it looks like you have a reason to see it your way.
we also lost a lot with RBIES cause we were sure that MP will implement it many months ago.
You ask why anyone should give ideas in the same post that you complain about losing money..
If you invest your time and money into something you should maybe think about helping support it to insure your investment isn't lost. That sounds like something any real investor would do, not someone wanting to play the flip game and get rich quick off everyone else.
Every single website, video game, book, etc, etc needs new ideas to grow and prosper. Humans as a whole grow bored with the same thing over and over. You, as an investor, doing nothing and then complaining that nothing is happening is the problem.
Why should everyone else have to put in the effort to make something grow while you just sit there and make money off of their effort? That is just pure lazy greed.
The other investors here aren't complaining about inaction because they are doing things to help their investment grow. Like my game for example, it wasn't sponsored by the RBIES team it was sponsored by the same folks you think is doing nothing which is Moneypot.
While they work on their end of adding RBIES to their system they sought other avenues for the coin in the meantime. Coding stuff doesn't just happen over night.
Here's a few ideas,
1. Create new faucets for the coin to attract new people.
2. Create a blog or info website for the coin.
3. Search out potential websites that might add it and contact them.