Everything seems fine at the moment. I know the past has been a bit unstable, but since the latest wallets were released using a standardized version of OpenSSL things seem ok. The most important thing is that all the wallets i have checked or helped out with other users recently have all been on the correct block height, which points toward the consensus issues we had in the past were caused by OpenSSL
1 of the things that makes a blockchain that relies on staking unstable, is the distribution, or lack of. If you look at the block explorer top 100 you can see the majority of distribution is still within the first 25 wallets. While this is a lot better that some other projects it still shows where forking can occur. I look at the statistics every day and can see the difficulty value fluctuate regularly. This means people with large balances are not leaving their wallets open 24/7, or at least constantly staking a portion of their balances. When a wallet with a large balance that has been offline for a while, comes back online their staking potential is much greater, and can cause the their wallet to stake intensely, until the difficulty rises to compensate. This has always been an issue with any blockchain, especially if more that 1 wallet is doing the same intense staking simultaneously.
Usual rules...
1) If your wallet is showing as offline, firstly restart it. if it still doesn't connect, check the debug.log and look for any 'misbehaving' messages
2) If it still shows offline after restarting it or you do see misbehaving messages in the debug log. You will need to re-sync. I've posted detailed steps on how to do this in previous posts
>>Missing staking rewards<<
1) Every wallet at some stage will inevitably show an invalid or unaccepted stake, this is caused by the block being found by more that 1 wallet at the same time, so the reward for that block will only be given to 1 of those wallets.
2) If you have recently had to re-sync you may need to rescan for missing transactions, especially if you have had many successive invalid transactions due to a fork. Kill the wallet and start it form the command line but also use the -rescan switch e.g.
If anyone still has connectivity or wallet issues let us know.
I hope this info help
My wallet currently contains 303k RBIES with 291k of those being on one address, would it help if this was spread over more addresses? The last time my wallet forked I was only staking around 40k or so RBIES, the other times it was 3-4x that amount that it was stuck on.
no that's fine. once the balance starts to stake it will be split up into new addresses anyway. If you expand the coin control panel you will see all the smaller amounts that make up the entire balance