Today, time has been spent on writing the first few chapters (rough drafts) of the Sativacoin history book. The first three chapters with corresponding page numbers are as follows:
(approx 26 pages before the main history chapters below)
1 - Launch of the Sativacoin Blockchain (6 pages) from 21/09/2014 to 25/09/2014
2 - Proof of Work Mining Ended (4 pages) from 26/09/2014 to 25/11/2014
3 - Takeover of Sativacoin by the (6 pages) from 26/11/2014 to 28/02/2015
4 - Sativacoin Successfully forked (unknown page count at the moment) from 01/03/2015
What follows is a chronological timeline of events which are known so far:
21st September - Block number 1 was timestamped to the blockchain at 16:09:57 UTC (Reward 972 STV)
21st September - Initial Bitcointalk forum thread for STV created at 16:40:08 UTC by user "sativacoin".
[ANN] Sativacoin | STV | X-13 | NINJA LAUNCH
21st September - Block number 9 was timestamped to the blockchain at 16:10:32 UTC
21st September - Block number 10 was timestamped to the blockchain at 16:41:25 UTC
22nd September - First exchange to add STV was Coinbroker. (against BTC)
22nd September - Second exchange to add STV was C-Cex. (against BTC and USD)
22nd September - A temp block explorer created at September - Third exchange to add STV was Bittrex.
25th September - Lead developer left STV after receiving abusive comments.
26th September - Proof of work mining ended at 21:58:31 UTC (6,998,400 STV mined in first 7,200 blocks)
26th September - First proof of stake block found at 22:01:04 UTC.
5th October - last post from user "sativacoin" at 17:53:28 UTC on Bitcointalk (ever!)
18th October - STV added to Cannapay Beta 1.0
20th October - STV added to
www.coinmarketcap.com22nd October - first comment posted by user "Pastafarian" on STV Bitcointalk thread.
26th November - took over STV (announced on the same day at 13:06:01 UTC)
26th November - Second STV official Bitcointal thread created at 13:08:27 UTC.
[ANN] [STV] SativaCoin TAKEOVER by Altcoin.Center - New official thread!
14th December - STV added to the Bter Voting List.
6th January - Fourth exchange to add STV was ALTS.Trade
13th January - cryptoshop was launched.
23rd January - STV became a payment option on the cryptoshop.
14th March - STV successfully announced as being forked (which block number???).
15th March - Official Facebook page was founded at March - went live.
Other exchange additions are also known:
5th exchange - YoBit - 17th November 2015
6th exchange - Cryptopia - 10th December 2015
7th exchange - CoinGather - 3rd January 2016
8th exchange - Alcurex - 19th January 2016
9th exchange - Nova Exchange - 22nd April 2016
A preliminary cover exists:
Crypto Books will spend further time tomorrow writing the rough drafts of 3 or 4 chapters. This will more than likely cover the period of history to the end of 2016.
If anything is incorrect or missing above, please do not hesitate to message me.
Chris Thompson