Update 26/5/2015Results of “Speaking IMHO”- The Best Miner is…ContestGentlemen and gentlemen, thank you so so so much for your enthusiastic participation and brilliant inspiration!
It is a little pity that in the second day of the contest, the thread was moved to a “Right”section. Many of you don't even have the chance to see it, not to mention bringing any great ideas.
But we still inspired by many amazing ideas over hundreds replies!
In the process of selecting awards, you know your wonderful thoughts brought us a fierce debate. It was a tough call. Ladies from marketing loved the strange and creative ideas, which might represents future Miner and potential of Mining industry. R&D team of course paid more attention to technical feasibility and practicability. After several rounds of deadlock, we finally selected the following 3 awards. Applauds to the winners!
1.The Most Creative Answer Reward: 1 BTCWinner: OgNasty Floor No. 33#
Value: “Lava Lamp”, as soon as this idea appeared, it won our marketing girls’ hearts. Which also got positive professional comments from R&D team. Make use of the heat coming from dual mining of SF3301, it might be melting the waxes in the Lava Lamp!
http://i59.tinypic.com/28v56om.png 2.The Most “Controversial” Design Award: 100 LTCWinner: erre Floor No. 39#
Value: This is really a controversial and inspirational idea, numerous replies prove it. The possibility to implement is another controversial topic.
http://i62.tinypic.com/2rzcvg0.png 3.The Most Market Appealing Design Award: 100 LTCWinner: J4bberwock Floor No. 11#
Value: Winner understands the BTC Mining industry; and amazingly has strong knowledge of software and hardware technology.
http://i57.tinypic.com/2nuksjr.png In order to express thanks to all of your participation, we also selected a critic’s award each day from 12th May to 17th May. Since the thread was moved, we didn’t get as much as expected, but we will still offer the trophy as we promised, congratulations to the lucky guys!
Critics Award List: Trophy: 10 LTCWinner: Floor No. Date
RadekG 50# 12th May
notlist3d 70# 13th May
RadekG 77# 14th May
diodio1 85# 15th May
erre 93# 16th May
erre 101# 17th May
General Award list: Trophy: 1000 Dogecoins louise123
Testing Crypto
In addition, we also got the result of Contest 2: Joining In Facebook. Same congratulations to the following three winners:
1. Most “liked”reply Trophy: 100 LTCWinner: Sebastian Pająk Liked: 42
http://i60.tinypic.com/fbdv9h.png 2. Second “liked”reply Trophy: 50 LTCWinner: Priyatama Mitrajati Liked: 39
http://i62.tinypic.com/33kx81u.png3. Third “liked”reply Trophy: 20 LTCWinner: Priyatama Mitrajati Liked: 21
http://i61.tinypic.com/2lnz8k1.pngGeneral award list: Trophy: 1000 Dogecoins Achmad Afandi
Alexander Riku
Dheddy Il Capitano
Hery Luiz Nazario
József Bertus
Oki Meilisyanto
Ozora Najwa Alvaro
Priyatama Mitrajati
Radek Gronský
Rocker Anfield
Sebastian Pająk
Tadej Brunšek
Please note some guys in the above list haven’t leave their Dogecoin add yet, please remember to do it.
Sfards reserves the rights to interpret the above statement.