Just to clarify, mining is done through proof of work and no longer through proof of storage where you offer up your storage space?
I'm a little confused. Do you get siacoin by offering storage or not?
You can get siacoin in two ways: mining, and by offering storage. Newly minted coins only go to miners, those offering storage get coins from users who are paying to use the storage.
So yes, you get siacoin by offering storage. It's just not newly minted siacoin.
So, out of curiosity ... as new adopter, how long does it typically take to mine a block and gain some coins in order to pay the tolls that otherwise bar the way to experiencing/exploring the functionality?
I am not sure. Right now, it seems like you'd be able to mine a block every 60 minutes or so. At launch there will probably be a lot more people mining, so an i7 might be able to mine a block every few hours or so. p2pool is supported by Sia,once we implement that we can substantially reduce the variance on mining.
So guys. I need more information about blake2b speed algorithm. Where i can download GPU miner for testnet and check speed on different videocards: i got 5870,7790,7970,7870/
im in the same boat ...
amd and nvidia please ...
currently running both sgminer and ccminer-spmod ...
As far as I know, there is no GPU implementation for the blake2b algorithm. Someone is going to have to write that. One of us might do it, though if we get a ton of people mining the coin I think it would be better for us to implement p2pool. p2pool is better than traditional mining pools for a lot of reasons, and I'd rather have p2pool ready as soon as people start wanting mining pools so that we don't end up with Ghash.io style problems on Sia. We have someone who will be focusing entirely on the miner starting June 1st. That's not enough time to have stuff out by the launch date, but hopefully we'll have some good mining stuff ready by mid July.
I'm not sure what you mean by md5 of the wallet files?
The link is
http://www.siacoin.com/sianotes.html. Thanks for pointing that out, I've changed the OP to have the correct link.
Ok , thanks for the OSX fix.. mine is up and running now.
I sent my sianotes to NXT-K5ZJ-NNR2-4J4B-D92UF tx 16463177275275997679 with my generated address
I have got the new Sia client running, I go to wallet, and I see "create address" but I do not see any way to import my generated address. Is this due to beta? how about some more details, per screen.
There is not currently any way to import your generated address or otherwise use siafunds. That will change by June 7th. We currently intend on keeping siafunds separate from siacoins, including the addresses. We're still trying to figure out what will be intuitive for the user but also secure.