I want to be as prepared as possible for launch on the 7th. Can I gpu mine siacoins on my mac while also selling extra hard drive space I have on that same computer? If I want to sell more space is it as simple as just attaching an external hard drive to my mac and leaving it plugged in? If there are any guides/instructions that would be great thanks!
Yes, you can gpu mine and sell storage at the same time from the same computer. This will give you two separate sources of income. We will be releasing a full set of instructions on June 6th.
Can i sell my storage if my computer is only online for about 12 hours a day?
What happens if the person storing my data goes offline, can i still acces it?
You can sell your storage for only 12 hours per day, though it will affect the amount of income that you can get. Your data is stored on many computers at the same time, if some or even most of them are offline, the data is still recoverable. You can still access your data.
There are always 4 copies of your file distributed across the network. If you go down, the other 3 are still up and it will recreate it again to replace yours.
Not quite correct, data is split into many pieces, and out of those pieces you only need to download a few of them to get all of the original data. The total number of pieces vs. the number of pieces required are parameters that will be continually adjusted as the Sia network matures - right now we need lots of redundancy because there are not many highly-reliable hosts. As more hosts join the network, the amount of required redundancy is likely to drop. We will be very careful with the numbers to make sure that files are never at risk.