I really like you, and i think we need to get know eachother, i see your heart is in a good place! BUT!! i think you are misunderstanding the roadmap!
SMAC wants coinholders to do the buying, they want to build social media accounts! There Marketplace is not for us to do our business or build accounts, its to buy stuff that they are redirecting, trough social media accounts, why should they make us smarter than we are and tell us how they get money.. i dont understand. nobody does that, its competing with your own customers, thats stupid! they only need to get value for the coin so we can buy stuff and then the circle is round.
This is what there doing....
1- Making industrie connections with/through social media accounts,
2- Build followers on the social media accounts,
3- Redirect them to sales pages,
4- Confincing them to sign up, for discount or whatever..,
5- Using affiliate Links, you click on a link and it refers to who ever owns that link!
This is there Business plan, this is every succesfull owner of social media accounts Business plan, we the share holders will only profit from the fact that the coin will grow in value, because they make revenue, with selling stuff or redirecting people to sites where they can buy stuff and they get a fee for that! like on fans2cash.com. and because there are not a lot of coins we will have a good profit for starting up there company! Thats it!!! Nothing more...maybe an ipad or something, but no revenue for coin holders, this will mean you have to sell!!! to get your money back with profit!! i know this, thats why i support them, i want them to be succesfull. in Holland we say: " Ik gun het ze". so i can eat a little bit of there pie!
Did you know that owners of social media accounts have there hands full with these 5 points, its not easy, you need to know a lot and you need to satisfie your followers and trigger them, this is not easy, you need skills for this! SMAC CEO is very talented in this! also Flipmass and al the others are well known for doing this.. please dont underestimate, its not that easy...
-did one of you ever bought something on Facebook,Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Instagram or whatever they are using???...i dont!
-did one of you ever pressed on an affiliate link and bought something there? i mean just an advertisement link. Thats going to be the SMAC Marketplace! i think...
-do one of you use Twitter and do you see what a lot of people have to offer?? are you buying? its not that easy, the reason why they buy excisting accounts is because its so difficult to get people to trust you, you have to know the industry...
If you want to do what you are saying you have to do it yourself, and you have to know industries that are HOT at this moment and you need to know the products.. orelse you will only have followers.....
I am testing this for months now and its not easy!
I already said it once, if you are serious, PM me...this is all i have to say here and it was too much..
excuse my english as i am Dutch...
its possible that i am wrong but i want to see that first, because i will NEVER sell my coins again if they let me own my percentage in social media account, and i will buy Bittrex EMPTY!!
EDIT 1: Fans2cash.com pays out, please dont misunderstand..i had to say that different sorry...
EDIT 2: also with music, the more traffic, the more wil see the "advertisement" on that song that delivers revenue only if people see that song, thus the advertisement that comes first, and not even buying anything!