If you drop all outgoing connections, then your server cannot find any peer.
Because (normally) no one knows your server (except manually peers with admin.addPeer()), you will also have no connections from outside. "No connection" is the expected result.
If you allow only connections to port 39338, this could work, but I'm not sure.
One day, someone (or me) will find a solution, I am sure :-)
Perhaps I could open a range of 100 ports, that gsoil also knows about ... or something like that.
I would not do this on a server, because system updates, etc will not work...
Oh, I actually solved all that. Even with "sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP".
Was a bit of puzzling, but found a nice
script that I could adapt, make a bit less restrictive, and then extend.
Now only specific outgoing connections are allowed - and their return packets, too.
And all (e.g. apt-get update, etc) is still working!
Of course, I need quite a few
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport $outport -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --sport $outport -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
- but that's what for-loops are for :-)
Having said all that, with that restricted approach ... I cannot get
soil running yet,
Giving up for now. To be solved later :-)
Thanks a lot, GoldenEye!
Please: can you try adding me, if you get a connection to my node?
I'm connected to your server
Yippieh :-)