Don't focus on the fee alone. Pool sexy is a PPLNS pool, which means that payment is based on your participation during the last 1000 shares. And with the super fast block time for this coin, you won't even get shares registered before there is a reward. Except if you have a lot of hash power.
PPLNS favours the big miners.
PROP favours the small and average miners, since you get paid for all shares you deliver, Proportinally.
Probably you dont know how pplns works... if small miner sent one shares when is found one block receive a high % and also earns for lost blocks, in the long run makes no difference.
cit."Prop. - Proportional. When block is found, the reward is distributed among all workers proportionally to how much shares each of them has found.
PPLNS - Pay Per Last N Shares. Similar to proportional, but instead of looking at the number of shares in the round, instead looks at the last N shares, regardless of round boundaries.
Proportional payout systems they are vulnerable to pool-hopping so you will probably lose some portion of your revenues to hoppers on those pools. For your concerns, SMPPS, ESMPPS or PPLNS would be good choices, but there are other factors to consider and it is ultimately up to you to choose a payout scheme and pool that best fits your needs."
PROP at moment, with low diff, dont have problem of pool hoppers
Anyway here we are OT. Choose the pool you like, decentralization is good