With your level of knowledge the only way to do it is to keep one Mac permanently at home and configure your Airport to allow only Apple Remote Desktop to your at-home Mac. Alternatively you could use "Get To My Mac" service from Apple.
After that you can buy the Mac OSX Server upgrade from Apple (less than $20) and set up your own VPN and other services that are described in the OSX Server documentation. Reading the OSX Server docs will also help you to learn and understand the networking basics, both general IP and the Apple specifics (like afp:// not aft://).
No matter what you do you will have to have a permanent (or nearly permanent) computer that monitors your home farm over the LAN. If you don't yet have a spare Mac at home than buying a Mac Mini and installing a server upgrade on it is the best way to spend time and money.
Have fun, just don't become another basket case Mac user with home network owned by hackers.
Edit: Ha, ha! Our posts were seconds apart!