It'll be a couple weeks before I'd have a miner, probably more like a month. I'm leaning on Novak for the firmware, but we both just got big jobs came in over the last week so we're both busy in different areas. I hope I don't have to do all the coding myself, which is possible but he's the better programmer.
Did you try to contact that legkodumov fella who designed the string board Bitmain used (they mentioned it themselves on some obscure board here).
EDIT: found it
I think that this guy was saying that he can give the design to anyone with chips (maybe for large volume, though, but it wouldn't hurt to ask).
No I didn't. You may notice from reading that thread that I was cynical about his design, given that when he posted his revolutionary idea there had been several other string-based miners already come to market. Between Novak and I we have enough knowhow on the hardware and software to do what we want to do. Bitmain hasn't shipped chips yet because I forgot to send them payment yesterday.
Regarding PSUs, if he's running 1400W from a PSU and then adding one fourth of an SP20, he's looking at adding probably about another 250W so that puts the supply at 83% rated capacity (or about 69% what it's actually capable of). Might be alright.
sure, better design would be beneficial, although many were skeptical re strings and they seem to work OK (at last in case of S5).