Ah, OK. But to tempt companies to pay you for this data / node access you'll need to provide a comprehensive API or something? Otherwise Inquisitive Inc. can just run a thousand full nodes themselves to gather data. Their only. minimal cost is bandwidth. I believe there are several companies that already do this.
Exactly. Its a proven business model. All the raw ingredients are already there. They just need to be joined up.
Can a company run Full Bitcoin nodes in the range of 1,000 to 5,000 nodes, around the world? Doubt it. Google, Apple, Microsoft, sure. But can they beat SPR's decentralized model in terms of no trust required? A community of thousands can match any big company or government. Dash has proven this already.
If you are looking for data, which would you prefer, a company making a profit with a small number of nodes, or a public service project that has many thousands of nodes?
Scripts / APIs are relatively easy. I've allowed for a bounty in the revenue streams to pay for requested scripts, all open source so they can be vetted.
If we allow commercial snooper's to thrive, we'll all suffer. We should put up competitive financial barriers.
Remember Google: Do no evil? That lasted 5 minutes once there was big money at stake.