Out team is keep working on service improvement.
Last 10 days was not full of new features and improvement, but we still have some cool thing to deliver to you:
Careers page added:
https://stackofstake.com/Home/CareersCurrently, we are hiring designer and front-end developer. StackOfStake is growing fast and soon we will open a vacancies of market analyst and security expert. Please, contact us, if you would like to apply to any of these positions.
Discord login. We have received several asks to add an ability to login through Discord. Now this function is live!
Now you can Sign Up with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Discord, as well as with email.
3. With new
masternode proof function you can proof that the particular masternode is owned and running on StackOfStake. Just copy a Proof Sign and submit it in the "Message Sign" menu of your local wallet. Our service now become even more clear (and much more clear then any of our competitors).
All our power is focused on moving to more advanced, secure and affordable servers. It will reduce our hosting expenses a lot.
Upcoming improvements:• SCRIV coin will be rewarded with exclusive
6% reward fee (instead of present 8%), making it lower than other mn coins.
• We will implement
StackOfStake Premium plan in future updates. It will give you an access to advanced analytics and functions. This plan will be paid in SCRIV coin.
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