Yes, They do have cancer and even other animals might have that kind of disease aswell. Good thing there's project like this that focus on animal disease . It's best if they will not just focus on Cancer, there are other disease that is also Fatal for dogs like Parvovirus which is airborne and more contagious.
That's right, this disease name Parvovirus is the top disease that our pet dogs can have if they don't get vaccinated, they can have liked this and it's very deadly. But what good on this project they are focusing cancer treatment, both humans and dogs it has a good purpose in both and it can even help more.
Exactly! This will be a medical breakthrough for both human and animals. And this kind of project deserves all the support it can get morally and financially. And its good for investors to invest in this project at this early development phase. It will sure be profitable once all their plan is done accordingly.
Their concept is really good but the problem I think is if they will going to get that support easily because it's really a big concept. Maybe most of the people or investors will think that they will wait for the result first before making some investment in it but it's also good to be an early bird. Let's see if they can really make it on top.
Agree, The more works that they have done the more trust and investors they will get because it will boost the people trust in their project. And they should really follow their own plan for the developments of the project.