If we will really going to see another run this year that's really great because most of the projects are really riding and getting benefits on it. If they will to have the spotlight and exposure they must shows a lot of good developments before the run.
Bull will not get easy ride, it will be roller coaster ride for bull. Some good and some bad news are coming for crypto. But all current bad news will make crypto strong onlyonly, because those issues will be sorted out in coming days
Well that's how it really works, We can't really predict when will be the right time of the green day to red day. That's why we must really need to stay focus and updated on current news.
Nobody knows exactly! I have learnt to stay off people's predictions and glue to my instinct and peraonal research. The market volatility is respecter of no man
Yeah. You forgot to add no ordinary man. The big boys know how to manipulate this sort of things. No matter how we all think it is volatile. The big whales know the game well.