Guys, I am looking for a working wallet for this coins, but I can't find one. Also, could someone explain which is the total coin supply for this coin? halving period? I look for this info, and I can't find it.
someone could explain the concept behind this coin?
I recommend Bumba wallet from here : synchronise wallet, put some nodes into Stronghands.conf file.
You can find nodes here :
The concept of this coin is very simple. The staking period is 30 days so you must have stronghands and keep your wallet loaded for 30 days minimum to see
a reward.
The SHND motto is :
Only the strongest hands will winYou can buy/sell SHND vs Dogecoin here:
Get free SHND on two faucets :
crypto guru
Ok man, thanks for writing. Few other questions:
You talk about a reward after 30 days, what kind of reward is that (StrongCoin? How much?) ? from where is it coming ?
And what is the total supply of this coin? Is it infinity?
There is no white paper (can't see it in the web site... found nowhere...)... DO you have a link for the white paper?
also, what is the halving period ? the block reward for mining ?