I would like to inform you as http://www.ges.cz/en/ CEO that we agreed on accept BTC ( Bitcoin) in our e-shop.
Our company is always innovative ( for example we accept paypal till 2011).
You can also find us on facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/GESCZ/121548797891986.
Our annual income is 2M$ and net profit is 0,4M$. We expect a 10% increase in revenue this year.
What bothers us? 90% of profit comes from stone shops ( we have 6 of them : http://www.ges.cz/en/shops/) and 95%
buyers comes from CZE ( we want more foreign buyers). So we would like to attract more foreign buyers ability to pay BTC.
You can also buy all with 10% discount ( if you pay BTC). BTC button will be shown next friday " grant bitcoin opening day" ( we used
bitpay service)
We also agreed to accept another one crypto-coin if the community shows interest in the implementation of it´s coin.
We've been thinking about accept BitSwift ( due to technology) but we are afraid of several things :
1. only 1 week of existence
2. 60% coins owned by 1
3. controversial responses
4. not enough attention we need to reach our goal
to determine interest in the implementation and success with doing it in our shop, we´re opening donation road
to reach 10BTC ( 30000SWIFT) which ends at friday ( day of BTC, potencialy SWIFT, grand opening)
Once the goal is reached donation road will be closed and SWIFTbutton will be implemented ( at friday 17.10).
If you stand on the implementation swiftcoin in our store donate ( if 30000SWIFT not achieved all donations will be returned)
SWIFTdonation adress : bRQKDGA6jPSvd5btk4jPpLXCevXsvTZqV5
Small taste ( our shop in Prague) :
You sound new in the business. If I can give you advice, go for one of the following options as it will spread your risk:
1. For your e-shop consider www.coinpayments.net or www.bitpay.com
2. For your physical shop consider getting www.coinkite.com and then you can use terminals and people can use cards or scan a QR code and pay with their digital wallets.
There are a few others payment platforms as well. Any coin worth their salt will get on the existing major e-platforms. If Swift is worth its salt it will also get onto those platforms eventually. This way you can spread your risk and do not have to worry about putting your eggs all in one basket and in the process you will address the list of concerns you mentioned.