Trying to keep up here...
Like others have asked, do you have any roadmap or budget for the ipo funds?
Will devs be keeping any significant BTC for themselves or will all funds go towards marketing/development, etc?
What types of marketing are you planning on doing to reach outside of the crypto community?
How will you get wall street interested?
Collected funds are being focused on several things, primarily building partnerships with large players in the crypto space (I mean companies, not whales). We're also going to be spending some of the collection on bounties, although not all of it as we do have a small amount of Syscoin for bounties as well. Then of course, future development; we're already trying to push additional features (2) into the coin prior to launch, on top of the 4 that are already completed. Outside of that we will hold much of the BTC for ongoing costs that we can't currently predict. We already have some deals in place that look to exercise the BTC we're collecting and the deals we're working on aren't cheap, but will ultimately take Syscoin to the next level.
a sneak peak on these two features?
On the team call this morning we were discussing that in 4 weeks it may be feasible to implement "smart contracts" as they are typically understood in the crypto community, requiring 2 sets of keys, etc. The other feature would be making the already-on-deck marketplace feature a bit more flexible by allowing the concept of counteroffers to a seller's asking price. Escrow is also on the long term roadmap but its not something we can fully deliver in 4 weeks. If we sell out sooner and launch sooner then these 2 additional features will probably bleed into the next release.
In the event the SYS team does not deliver SYS I get an automatic refund from escrow, correct? What is 'not delivering SYS'? Failing to deliver a simple wallet with SYS coins and no additional functionality at all? Or not delivering a fully fuctional wallet with the 4 core features operational (no alpha's, bèta's, untested) as listed in the OP?
The second, it is contingent on delivering what we outlined in the preann (4 features, merge mineable, plus normal coin stuff). If we just deliver a clone coin (not happening) you'd get your money back. If we don't deliver at all, of course you get your money back.
Alpha/beta is something we're toying around with but also keep in mind the overhead that takes to manage/respond to feedback and how that may impact our ability to roll out new features on top of the 4 already slated for the launch. Not something we're saying "no" too but something we want to make sure it manageable. We have been testing Syscoin for almost 2months now, so I wouldn't call it untested
but more testing never hurts.