
Topic: [ANN] TeamRedMiner v0.10.10 - Ironfish/Kaspa/ZIL/Kawpow/Etchash and More - page 102. (Read 211762 times)

sr. member
Activity: 703
Merit: 272
Any plans when optimization is done for the Radeon VII? TRM 0.4.2 works fine mining CNR but I think it will perform slighly better. I'm getting 2475 H/s @ 200 W from the wall.

They're working on it.

teamredminer v0.4.2 Beta Release

Features In Development:
  • Fixing CN performance with Radeon VIIs
  • New Algorithms
  • Pool Failover

FYI... Vega VII gets @2.9KH/s with SRB 1.8.0

Activity: 176
Merit: 76
MRR> error

And did you try using the option it suggested?
Activity: 115
Merit: 0
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

Well this is a little surprising. If you can try three things for me it'd be most helpful:

  • Run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices" and let me know if it crashes, and if so what the last log line was. Otherwise, paste the full output here.
  • Try adding "--platform 0" to your command line above to disable the platform auto-detection.
  • Try adding both "--platform 0 -d 0" to only run on a single device.

Still the same, the miner crashes.
What is the command line for the log file? (i am new to TRM)

Just so I know we're on the same page, can you describe what you mean by "crashing"? Do you run the miner in a cmd prompt shell so you see all output? Can you paste the output from "teamredminer.exe --list_devices"?

Also, another test: can you run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices --disable_colors"?

Thanks, K

When i start the start.cnr.bat file all i get is:

Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0
Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 2

and the CMD window closes

Where can i find the output log file so i can post it here?

That is the first time I've ever seen two AMD OpenCL platforms under Windows. Hence, I'm guessing it's wrong Smiley.

We don't log to file by default, only console. You need to add --log_file=miner.log as an argument in the .bat file. You could also add a single line with "pause" at the end of your start.cnr.bat and the cmd window should remain open waiting for a keypress after the miner exits, allowing you to mark and copy/paste the console output.

Given the output above, it's a little weird it doesn't work if you add "--platform 0" as an argument in the bat file though, hmm.

Another thing that would be most helpful for me is if you could dump the full output from "clinfo" for me. You would open cmd.exe first, then just type "clinfo".

0.4.1 is working just fine...

Here is the clinfo

Number of platforms:                             3
  Platform Profile:                              FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Version:                              OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (2766.5)
  Platform Name:                                 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Platform Vendor:                               Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Platform Extensions:                           cl_khr_icd cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices
  Platform Profile:                              FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Version:                              OpenCL 2.1
  Platform Name:                                 Intel(R) OpenCL
  Platform Vendor:                               Intel(R) Corporation
  Platform Extensions:                           cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_icd cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_spir
  Platform Profile:                              FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Version:                              OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2348.3)
  Platform Name:                                 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Platform Vendor:                               Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Platform Extensions:                           cl_khr_icd cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices

  Platform Name:                                 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Number of devices:                               6
  Device Type:                                   CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
  Vendor ID:                                     1002h
  Board name:                                    Radeon RX 570 Series
  Device Topology:                               PCI[ B#1, D#0, F#0 ]
  Max compute units:                             32
  Max work items dimensions:                     3
    Max work items[0]:                           1024
    Max work items[1]:                           1024
    Max work items[2]:                           1024
  Max work group size:                           256
  Preferred vector width char:                   4
  Preferred vector width short:                  2
  Preferred vector width int:                    1
  Preferred vector width long:                   1
  Preferred vector width float:                  1
  Preferred vector width double:                 1
  Native vector width char:                      4
  Native vector width short:                     2
  Native vector width int:                       1
  Native vector width long:                      1
  Native vector width float:                     1
  Native vector width double:                    1
  Max clock frequency:                           1250Mhz
  Address bits:                                  64
  Max memory allocation:                         4244635648
  Image support:                                 Yes
  Max number of images read arguments:           128
  Max number of images write arguments:          64
  Max image 2D width:                            16384
  Max image 2D height:                           16384
  Max image 3D width:                            2048
  Max image 3D height:                           2048
  Max image 3D depth:                            2048
  Max samplers within kernel:                    16
  Max size of kernel argument:                   1024
  Alignment (bits) of base address:              2048
  Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype:    128
  Single precision floating point capability
    Denorms:                                     No
    Quiet NaNs:                                  Yes
    Round to nearest even:                       Yes
    Round to zero:                               Yes
    Round to +ve and infinity:                   Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add:             Yes
  Cache type:                                    Read/Write
  Cache line size:                               64
  Cache size:                                    16384
  Global memory size:                            8589934592
  Constant buffer size:                          4244635648
  Max number of constant args:                   8
  Local memory type:                             Scratchpad
  Local memory size:                             32768
  Max pipe arguments:                            16
  Max pipe active reservations:                  16
  Max pipe packet size:                          4244635648
  Max global variable size:                      3820172032
  Max global variable preferred total size:      8589934592
  Max read/write image args:                     64
  Max on device events:                          1024
  Queue on device max size:                      8388608
  Max on device queues:                          1
  Queue on device preferred size:                262144
  SVM capabilities:
    Coarse grain buffer:                         Yes
    Fine grain buffer:                           Yes
    Fine grain system:                           No
    Atomics:                                     No
  Preferred platform atomic alignment:           0
  Preferred global atomic alignment:             0
  Preferred local atomic alignment:              0
  Kernel Preferred work group size multiple:     64
  Error correction support:                      0
  Unified memory for Host and Device:            0
  Profiling timer resolution:                    1
  Device endianess:                              Little
  Available:                                     Yes
  Compiler available:                            Yes
  Execution capabilities:
    Execute OpenCL kernels:                      Yes
    Execute native function:                     No
  Queue on Host properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                No
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Queue on Device properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                Yes
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Platform ID:                                   00007FF979616FD0
  Name:                                          Ellesmere
  Vendor:                                        Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Device OpenCL C version:                       OpenCL C 2.0
  Driver version:                                2766.5
  Profile:                                       FULL_PROFILE
  Version:                                       OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2766.5)
  Extensions:                                    cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_spir cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_amd_liquid_flash cl_amd_planar_yuv

  Device Type:                                   CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
  Vendor ID:                                     1002h
  Board name:                                    Radeon RX 570 Series
  Device Topology:                               PCI[ B#2, D#0, F#0 ]
  Max compute units:                             32
  Max work items dimensions:                     3
    Max work items[0]:                           1024
    Max work items[1]:                           1024
    Max work items[2]:                           1024
  Max work group size:                           256
  Preferred vector width char:                   4
  Preferred vector width short:                  2
  Preferred vector width int:                    1
  Preferred vector width long:                   1
  Preferred vector width float:                  1
  Preferred vector width double:                 1
  Native vector width char:                      4
  Native vector width short:                     2
  Native vector width int:                       1
  Native vector width long:                      1
  Native vector width float:                     1
  Native vector width double:                    1
  Max clock frequency:                           1250Mhz
  Address bits:                                  64
  Max memory allocation:                         4244635648
  Image support:                                 Yes
  Max number of images read arguments:           128
  Max number of images write arguments:          64
  Max image 2D width:                            16384
  Max image 2D height:                           16384
  Max image 3D width:                            2048
  Max image 3D height:                           2048
  Max image 3D depth:                            2048
  Max samplers within kernel:                    16
  Max size of kernel argument:                   1024
  Alignment (bits) of base address:              2048
  Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype:    128
  Single precision floating point capability
    Denorms:                                     No
    Quiet NaNs:                                  Yes
    Round to nearest even:                       Yes
    Round to zero:                               Yes
    Round to +ve and infinity:                   Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add:             Yes
  Cache type:                                    Read/Write
  Cache line size:                               64
  Cache size:                                    16384
  Global memory size:                            8589934592
  Constant buffer size:                          4244635648
  Max number of constant args:                   8
  Local memory type:                             Scratchpad
  Local memory size:                             32768
  Max pipe arguments:                            16
  Max pipe active reservations:                  16
  Max pipe packet size:                          4244635648
  Max global variable size:                      3820172032
  Max global variable preferred total size:      8589934592
  Max read/write image args:                     64
  Max on device events:                          1024
  Queue on device max size:                      8388608
  Max on device queues:                          1
  Queue on device preferred size:                262144
  SVM capabilities:
    Coarse grain buffer:                         Yes
    Fine grain buffer:                           Yes
    Fine grain system:                           No
    Atomics:                                     No
  Preferred platform atomic alignment:           0
  Preferred global atomic alignment:             0
  Preferred local atomic alignment:              0
  Kernel Preferred work group size multiple:     64
  Error correction support:                      0
  Unified memory for Host and Device:            0
  Profiling timer resolution:                    1
  Device endianess:                              Little
  Available:                                     Yes
  Compiler available:                            Yes
  Execution capabilities:
    Execute OpenCL kernels:                      Yes
    Execute native function:                     No
  Queue on Host properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                No
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Queue on Device properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                Yes
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Platform ID:                                   00007FF979616FD0
  Name:                                          Ellesmere
  Vendor:                                        Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Device OpenCL C version:                       OpenCL C 2.0
  Driver version:                                2766.5
  Profile:                                       FULL_PROFILE
  Version:                                       OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2766.5)
  Extensions:                                    cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_spir cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_amd_liquid_flash cl_amd_planar_yuv

  Device Type:                                   CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
  Vendor ID:                                     1002h
  Board name:                                    Radeon RX 570 Series
  Device Topology:                               PCI[ B#9, D#0, F#0 ]
  Max compute units:                             32
  Max work items dimensions:                     3
    Max work items[0]:                           1024
    Max work items[1]:                           1024
    Max work items[2]:                           1024
  Max work group size:                           256
  Preferred vector width char:                   4
  Preferred vector width short:                  2
  Preferred vector width int:                    1
  Preferred vector width long:                   1
  Preferred vector width float:                  1
  Preferred vector width double:                 1
  Native vector width char:                      4
  Native vector width short:                     2
  Native vector width int:                       1
  Native vector width long:                      1
  Native vector width float:                     1
  Native vector width double:                    1
  Max clock frequency:                           1250Mhz
  Address bits:                                  64
  Max memory allocation:                         4244635648
  Image support:                                 Yes
  Max number of images read arguments:           128
  Max number of images write arguments:          64
  Max image 2D width:                            16384
  Max image 2D height:                           16384
  Max image 3D width:                            2048
  Max image 3D height:                           2048
  Max image 3D depth:                            2048
  Max samplers within kernel:                    16
  Max size of kernel argument:                   1024
  Alignment (bits) of base address:              2048
  Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype:    128
  Single precision floating point capability
    Denorms:                                     No
    Quiet NaNs:                                  Yes
    Round to nearest even:                       Yes
    Round to zero:                               Yes
    Round to +ve and infinity:                   Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add:             Yes
  Cache type:                                    Read/Write
  Cache line size:                               64
  Cache size:                                    16384
  Global memory size:                            8589934592
  Constant buffer size:                          4244635648
  Max number of constant args:                   8
  Local memory type:                             Scratchpad
  Local memory size:                             32768
  Max pipe arguments:                            16
  Max pipe active reservations:                  16
  Max pipe packet size:                          4244635648
  Max global variable size:                      3820172032
  Max global variable preferred total size:      8589934592
  Max read/write image args:                     64
  Max on device events:                          1024
  Queue on device max size:                      8388608
  Max on device queues:                          1
  Queue on device preferred size:                262144
  SVM capabilities:
    Coarse grain buffer:                         Yes
    Fine grain buffer:                           Yes
    Fine grain system:                           No
    Atomics:                                     No
  Preferred platform atomic alignment:           0
  Preferred global atomic alignment:             0
  Preferred local atomic alignment:              0
  Kernel Preferred work group size multiple:     64
  Error correction support:                      0
  Unified memory for Host and Device:            0
  Profiling timer resolution:                    1
  Device endianess:                              Little
  Available:                                     Yes
  Compiler available:                            Yes
  Execution capabilities:
    Execute OpenCL kernels:                      Yes
    Execute native function:                     No
  Queue on Host properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                No
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Queue on Device properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                Yes
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Platform ID:                                   00007FF979616FD0
  Name:                                          Ellesmere
  Vendor:                                        Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Device OpenCL C version:                       OpenCL C 2.0
  Driver version:                                2766.5
  Profile:                                       FULL_PROFILE
  Version:                                       OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2766.5)
  Extensions:                                    cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_spir cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_amd_liquid_flash cl_amd_planar_yuv

  Device Type:                                   CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
  Vendor ID:                                     1002h
  Board name:                                    Radeon RX 570 Series
  Device Topology:                               PCI[ B#3, D#0, F#0 ]
  Max compute units:                             32
  Max work items dimensions:                     3
    Max work items[0]:                           1024
    Max work items[1]:                           1024
    Max work items[2]:                           1024
  Max work group size:                           256
  Preferred vector width char:                   4
  Preferred vector width short:                  2
  Preferred vector width int:                    1
  Preferred vector width long:                   1
  Preferred vector width float:                  1
  Preferred vector width double:                 1
  Native vector width char:                      4
  Native vector width short:                     2
  Native vector width int:                       1
  Native vector width long:                      1
  Native vector width float:                     1
  Native vector width double:                    1
  Max clock frequency:                           1250Mhz
  Address bits:                                  64
  Max memory allocation:                         4244635648
  Image support:                                 Yes
  Max number of images read arguments:           128
  Max number of images write arguments:          64
  Max image 2D width:                            16384
  Max image 2D height:                           16384
  Max image 3D width:                            2048
  Max image 3D height:                           2048
  Max image 3D depth:                            2048
  Max samplers within kernel:                    16
  Max size of kernel argument:                   1024
  Alignment (bits) of base address:              2048
  Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype:    128
  Single precision floating point capability
    Denorms:                                     No
    Quiet NaNs:                                  Yes
    Round to nearest even:                       Yes
    Round to zero:                               Yes
    Round to +ve and infinity:                   Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add:             Yes
  Cache type:                                    Read/Write
  Cache line size:                               64
  Cache size:                                    16384
  Global memory size:                            8589934592
  Constant buffer size:                          4244635648
  Max number of constant args:                   8
  Local memory type:                             Scratchpad
  Local memory size:                             32768
  Max pipe arguments:                            16
  Max pipe active reservations:                  16
  Max pipe packet size:                          4244635648
  Max global variable size:                      3820172032
  Max global variable preferred total size:      8589934592
  Max read/write image args:                     64
  Max on device events:                          1024
  Queue on device max size:                      8388608
  Max on device queues:                          1
  Queue on device preferred size:                262144
  SVM capabilities:
    Coarse grain buffer:                         Yes
    Fine grain buffer:                           Yes
    Fine grain system:                           No
    Atomics:                                     No
  Preferred platform atomic alignment:           0
  Preferred global atomic alignment:             0
  Preferred local atomic alignment:              0
  Kernel Preferred work group size multiple:     64
  Error correction support:                      0
  Unified memory for Host and Device:            0
  Profiling timer resolution:                    1
  Device endianess:                              Little
  Available:                                     Yes
  Compiler available:                            Yes
  Execution capabilities:
    Execute OpenCL kernels:                      Yes
    Execute native function:                     No
  Queue on Host properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                No
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Queue on Device properties:
    Out-of-Order:                                Yes
    Profiling :                                  Yes
  Platform ID:                                   00007FF979616FD0
  Name:                                          Ellesmere
  Vendor:                                        Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Device OpenCL C version:                       OpenCL C 2.0
  Driver version:                                2766.5
  Profile:                                       FULL_PROFILE
  Version:                                       OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2766.5)
  Extensions:                                    cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_spir cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_amd_liquid_flash cl_amd_planar_yuv

  Device Type:                                   CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
  Vendor ID:                                     1002h
  Board name:                                    Radeon RX 570 Series
  Device Topology:                               PCI[ B#8, D#0, F#0 ]
  Max compute units:                             32
  Max work items dimensions:                     3
    Max work items[0]:                           1024
    Max work items[1]:                           1024
    Max work items[2]:                           1024
  Max work group size:                           256
  Preferred vector width char:                   4
  Preferred vector width short:                  2
  Preferred vector width int:                    1
  Preferred vector width long:                   1
  Preferred vector width float:                  1
  Preferred vector width double:                 1
  Native vector width char:                      4
  Native vector width short:                     2
  Native vector width int:                       1
  Native vector width long:                      1
  Native vector width float:                     1
  Native vector width double:                    1
  Max clock frequency:                           1250Mhz
  Address bits:                                  64
  Max memory allocation:                         4244635648
  Image support:                                 Yes
  Max number of images read arguments:           128
  Max number of images write arguments:          64
  Max image 2D width:                            16384
  Max image 2D height:                           16384
  Max image 3D width:                            2048
  Max image 3D height:                           2048
  Max image 3D depth:                            2048
  Max samplers within kernel:                    16
  Max size of kernel argument:                   1024
  Alignment (bits) of base address:              2048
  Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype:    128
  Single precision floating point capability
    Denorms:                                     No
    Quiet NaNs:                                  Yes
    Round to nearest even:                       Yes
    Round to zero:                               Yes
    Round to +ve and infinity:                   Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add:             Yes
  Cache type:                                    Read/Write
  Cache line size:                               64
  Cache size:                                    16384
  Global memory size:                            8589934592
  Constant buffer size:                          4244635648
  Max number of constant args:                   8
  Local memory type:                             Scratchpad
  Local memory size:                             32768
  Max pipe arguments:                            16
  Max pipe active reservations:                  16
  Max pipe packet size:                          4244635648
  Max global variable size:                      3820172032
  Max global variable preferred total size:      8589934592
  Max read/write image args:                     64
  Max on device events:                          1024
  Queue on device max size:                      8388608
  Max on device queues:                          1
  Queue on device preferred size:                262144
  SVM capabilities:
    Coarse grain buffer:                         Yes
    Fine grain buffer:                           Yes
    Fine grain system:                           No
    Atomics:                                     No
  Preferred platform atomic alignment:           0
  Preferred global atomic alignment:             0
  Preferred local atomic alignment:              0
  Kernel Preferred work group size multiple:     64
  Error correction support:                      0
  Unified memory for Host and Device:            0
  Profiling timer resolution:                    1
  Device endianess:                              Little
  Available:                                     Yes
  Compiler available:                            Yes
  Execution capabilities:
    Execute OpenCL kernels:                      Yes
    Execute n
jr. member
Activity: 98
Merit: 6
Any plans when optimization is done for the Radeon VII? TRM 0.4.2 works fine mining CNR but I think it will perform slighly better. I'm getting 2475 H/s @ 200 W from the wall.
Activity: 658
Merit: 86
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

Well this is a little surprising. If you can try three things for me it'd be most helpful:

  • Run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices" and let me know if it crashes, and if so what the last log line was. Otherwise, paste the full output here.
  • Try adding "--platform 0" to your command line above to disable the platform auto-detection.
  • Try adding both "--platform 0 -d 0" to only run on a single device.

Still the same, the miner crashes.
What is the command line for the log file? (i am new to TRM)

Just so I know we're on the same page, can you describe what you mean by "crashing"? Do you run the miner in a cmd prompt shell so you see all output? Can you paste the output from "teamredminer.exe --list_devices"?

Also, another test: can you run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices --disable_colors"?

Thanks, K

When i start the start.cnr.bat file all i get is:

Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0
Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 2

and the CMD window closes

Where can i find the output log file so i can post it here?

That is the first time I've ever seen two AMD OpenCL platforms under Windows. Hence, I'm guessing it's wrong Smiley.

We don't log to file by default, only console. You need to add --log_file=miner.log as an argument in the .bat file. You could also add a single line with "pause" at the end of your start.cnr.bat and the cmd window should remain open waiting for a keypress after the miner exits, allowing you to mark and copy/paste the console output.

Given the output above, it's a little weird it doesn't work if you add "--platform 0" as an argument in the bat file though, hmm.

Another thing that would be most helpful for me is if you could dump the full output from "clinfo" for me. You would open cmd.exe first, then just type "clinfo".

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

Well this is a little surprising. If you can try three things for me it'd be most helpful:

  • Run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices" and let me know if it crashes, and if so what the last log line was. Otherwise, paste the full output here.
  • Try adding "--platform 0" to your command line above to disable the platform auto-detection.
  • Try adding both "--platform 0 -d 0" to only run on a single device.

Still the same, the miner crashes.
What is the command line for the log file? (i am new to TRM)

Just so I know we're on the same page, can you describe what you mean by "crashing"? Do you run the miner in a cmd prompt shell so you see all output? Can you paste the output from "teamredminer.exe --list_devices"?

Also, another test: can you run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices --disable_colors"?

Thanks, K

When i start the start.cnr.bat file all i get is:

Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0
Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 2

and the CMD window closes

Where can i find the output log file so i can post it here?
Activity: 658
Merit: 86
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

Well this is a little surprising. If you can try three things for me it'd be most helpful:

  • Run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices" and let me know if it crashes, and if so what the last log line was. Otherwise, paste the full output here.
  • Try adding "--platform 0" to your command line above to disable the platform auto-detection.
  • Try adding both "--platform 0 -d 0" to only run on a single device.

Still the same, the miner crashes.
What is the command line for the log file? (i am new to TRM)

Just so I know we're on the same page, can you describe what you mean by "crashing"? Do you run the miner in a cmd prompt shell so you see all output? Can you paste the output from "teamredminer.exe --list_devices"?

Also, another test: can you run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices --disable_colors"?

Thanks, K
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

I saw similar behavior (though it was on linux, and was a hang rather than a close) w/ 0.4.2 right after the platform detect.  Seemed to be that it didn't like the oc/uv of one of my GPUs - even though it had been ok w/ previous versions.  Try including the -d param to test each of your GPUs individually.
Tried that with -d 0 or -d1, still crashing
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

Well this is a little surprising. If you can try three things for me it'd be most helpful:

  • Run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices" and let me know if it crashes, and if so what the last log line was. Otherwise, paste the full output here.
  • Try adding "--platform 0" to your command line above to disable the platform auto-detection.
  • Try adding both "--platform 0 -d 0" to only run on a single device.

Still the same, the miner crashes.
What is the command line for the log file? (i am new to TRM)
jr. member
Activity: 195
Merit: 4
I have a power color RX570 4gb card that just dies in after about 10 mins.... Running 1200 core with 900-1000mv and 2025 memory with 925-1000mv... setting TRM at 8+6.

Any thoughts?

Try 2000mem 8+8 or 8+7

All my 4gb cards seem to crash on 8+8 or 8+7, so been running them really well (940-975hs) on 8+6.

Ironically i get over 1KH/s on all 4gb 570/80's with 6+6 and over 900 H/s on 8gb with 8+8 (Zero crashes or restarts)

I tested that, my cards hit 900 hs with 6+6 -- what core/memory are you running?

Core clk 1250 Mem clk 2100

One card has core @ 1325 and one other has 1350 but that's because of the type of GPU
If you have issues you have to up the core voltage alil

I highly recommend tuning all cards using HW 64 info this way you can actually look at the memory errors and see if they start skyrocketing you know it's going to crash but if they're just getting a memory error slowly or not at all they should run forever I was thinking about making a guide on how to properly tune graphics cards for maximum hashrate as I did once for the 550's to get over 500Hs over a year-and-a-half ago

Edit: what make and model graphics card are you using

Yeah - I've been around awhile and use HWInfo to check to ensure everything is getting applied correctly and to watch for errors.

Rig I tested on has (5) RX470 Shappire Mining Cards 4 GB and (1) 570 Shappire Nitro 4 GB.

I run the mining cards at GPU 1200/925mv and Memory 2100/900mv, the Nitro runs at the same settings. HW Errors listed is limited/slow leak.
Activity: 658
Merit: 86
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

Well this is a little surprising. If you can try three things for me it'd be most helpful:

  • Run "teamredminer.exe --list_devices" and let me know if it crashes, and if so what the last log line was. Otherwise, paste the full output here.
  • Try adding "--platform 0" to your command line above to disable the platform auto-detection.
  • Try adding both "--platform 0 -d 0" to only run on a single device.

Activity: 340
Merit: 29
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat

I saw similar behavior (though it was on linux, and was a hang rather than a close) w/ 0.4.2 right after the platform detect.  Seemed to be that it didn't like the oc/uv of one of my GPUs - even though it had been ok w/ previous versions.  Try including the -d param to test each of your GPUs individually.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
I have a power color RX570 4gb card that just dies in after about 10 mins.... Running 1200 core with 900-1000mv and 2025 memory with 925-1000mv... setting TRM at 8+6.

Any thoughts?

Try 2000mem 8+8 or 8+7

All my 4gb cards seem to crash on 8+8 or 8+7, so been running them really well (940-975hs) on 8+6.

Ironically i get over 1KH/s on all 4gb 570/80's with 6+6 and over 900 H/s on 8gb with 8+8 (Zero crashes or restarts)

I tested that, my cards hit 900 hs with 6+6 -- what core/memory are you running?

Core clk 1250 Mem clk 2100

One card has core @ 1325 and one other has 1350 but that's because of the type of GPU
If you have issues you have to up the core voltage alil

I highly recommend tuning all cards using HW 64 info this way you can actually look at the memory errors and see if they start skyrocketing you know it's going to crash but if they're just getting a memory error slowly or not at all they should run forever I was thinking about making a guide on how to properly tune graphics cards for maximum hashrate as I did once for the 550's to get over 500Hs over a year-and-a-half ago

Edit: what make and model graphics card are you using
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
I am on Windows 10, 6 x rx570 8gb, driver 19.1.1 and the command line: teamredminer.exe -a cnr -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p x --watchdog_script=watchdog.bat
Activity: 658
Merit: 86
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner

Hmm. We did rewrite a few things to support mixed Linux rigs with multiple opencl platforms.

Would you mind telling me your os+driver+gpus and your full (anonymized) command line?
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
With 0.4.1 was all ok, but with 0.4.2 when i start the miner in get -Auto-detect AMD OpenCL platform 0 and it closes the miner
jr. member
Activity: 195
Merit: 4
I have a power color RX570 4gb card that just dies in after about 10 mins.... Running 1200 core with 900-1000mv and 2025 memory with 925-1000mv... setting TRM at 8+6.

Any thoughts?

Try 2000mem 8+8 or 8+7

All my 4gb cards seem to crash on 8+8 or 8+7, so been running them really well (940-975hs) on 8+6.

Ironically i get over 1KH/s on all 4gb 570/80's with 6+6 and over 900 H/s on 8gb with 8+8 (Zero crashes or restarts)

I tested that, my cards hit 900 hs with 6+6 -- what core/memory are you running?
Activity: 658
Merit: 86
Is there any chance of heavy variant miner of TRM?

Absolutely, could very well happen next. I'm not sure about the future though, feels like there is some forking away from Heavy-derived algos going on.
Activity: 190
Merit: 59
Is there any chance of heavy variant miner of TRM?
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