what method are you guys using to have a fixed core clock ?
i set it up for let's say 1400mhz for vega56 using overdriventool but when watching it with HWiNFO is not the same it's about 1350Mhz
any hint appreciated
from yesterday I experience same problem with Vega 56 / 64 cards.
Have you tried disabling all lower p-states in OverdriveNTool, i.e. click the little text "P2", "P3" etc left of the MHz column so they are greyed out? Only using the highest state has helped me sometimes to force the driver to use the specified clocks.
Yes kerney, that is my standard settings in OvedriveNtool.
Just did some more test and found, when applying overdrive and look in the HWiNFO64 i see that GPUP7 clocks is set on higher values of set in overdrive.ini ?
And when i start miner values go down?
Down in profiles of ovedrivetool.ini i added actual clock values read by HWiNFO before and after start miner:
Run_OverdriveNTool.bat (OverdriveNTool.exe -r1 -r2 -r3 -r4 -p1Sapphire -p2Nitro_RX570 -p3Asus_Vega64 -p4Gigabyte)
GPU_P6=1212;905;0 before start miner after start miner
GPU_P7=1408;955 1437;955 1378 and 1381 (changeing)
GPU_P7=1490;930 1535;930 1463 and 1466 and 1467 (changeing)
GPU_P7=1408;950 1444;950 1381 and 1382 and 1385 (changeing)
This is standard behavior of Vegas, due to ACG/AVFS. The lower your voltages, the more clock throttling under load. This has nothing to do with the miner, other than the fact that it puts a certain signature load on the GPU.
Thank you pbfarmer that makes sense.
You force me to learn more of Advanced Clock Generator(ACG)/Advanced Voltage Frequency Scaling(AVFS) :-)
Never noticed that behavior before in HWiNFO. Found some interesting stuff here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/7dzc9j/vega_56_w_64_bios_tweak_result_good_chip_or/
No problem. You may not have noticed it before because previous versions of cryptonight were much less taxing on the core, so the clock (frequency) scaling, especially at 950mv, was likely significantly less aggressive.