i have same,when i boot the first lauch does not start mining.i must kill the miner and start new one.
i was in 18.3.4,i updated to 18.6.1 to see...
So, @coke15 and @issie81, when you see a problematic gpu not starting to hash properly, do you see any error message from the initialization process? Or do you see a line with "Successfully initialized ..." for the gpu, but then it still doesn't start hashing ok?
dear designer,i do not know where to quote, so quote here, sorry for doing this. The problem is I found a bug: there are some cards(usually one card on my 6 cards rig) hashrate drop a lot, see the picture i upload, form 500+ down to 360+
it can be several hours or days to happen, api monitor see these changes, when i login to my rigs to see the running window, I use mstsc, then without any operation, the card's hashrate recover to normal 500+(sometime it can not recover), can you fix this bug, thanks
Hi! I don’t think I can help with this specific issue, it sounds more like a rig setup issue. You see the hashrate drop, and when you login remotely to the rig it recovers automatically, without you doing anything else like restarting the miner, resetting clocks etc? Have you checked all power settings, screen lock/screen saver etc? Do you see any pattern at all, or is it completely random?