The idea that altcoins "harm the health of the cryptocurrency community" is not substantiated.
Some altcoins definitely improve the overall quality of the Bitcoin project. For example, I'm a big fan of Devcoins in that they reward people who do constructive things. But I'm far more skeptical about coins with heavy premining and no real improvements over really can't make the argument that a currency with 20% of it premined is helpful for anyone other than the creator.
If somebody acquires a coin, they must have felt that doing so was in their best interest (helpful to them). Nobody has been forced to acquire any coins.
No, nobody is forced to acquire coins. And yes, such allegations will eventually probably kill the currency as the free market takes hold. However, think about how demoralizing it is for new users who see their currency suddenly plummet into a valueless hole overnight due to such discoveries. That's not constructive, not friendly to crypto newcomers, and just generally does not sit well with me.
On the subject of JokeCoins though: I liked the idea of a "PornCoin" so much that it's our latest update!
Due to a busy week at work (and doing a few things for the ColoredCoins project in what little spare time I don't have), I regrettably still have nothing to contribute in the way of any real source code. I plan on doing this hopefully in the next few weeks. However, if anyone would care to assist with this, feel free to contact me about it