We are currently working towards our ISO27001 certification yes. The definition is as follows:
ISO 27001 (formally known as ISO/IEC 27001:2005) is a specification for an information security management system (ISMS). An ISMS is a framework of policies and procedures that includes all legal, physical and technical controls involved in an organisation's information risk management processes.
Source: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/ISO-27001
It basically ensures that we have the correct policies and procedures in place to protect our and our clients data and information. It helps us to understand the areas of weakness, so that be can better protect ourselves from attacks. The benefits are that we as a company will do regular checks to ensure that our technology is protected and that we have procedures in place, if an attack takes place. It gives peace of mind not only to use as a company that we are best prepared for attacks, but also for our clients and consumers to ensure that their data and information is secure.
Its is standard practice now for many IT related businesses.
~ Jake Ashby, General Manager TriForce Tokens
So thats basic and key thing really,to secure your clients data and information,really basis for any successful bussiness.If you cant offer that,ur other services doesnt mean much,so i can see the importance of that ISO certification.
Well, you would be really surprised how many technology companies don't get certified or even consider it. It provides a really robust framework, that can be difficult to achieve, and in fact would cost a lot more to implement if left for further down the road, than by implementing it early on. So a company who understands the value and importance of this, can implement it much easier early on - then as the company grows they already have a strategy and standard practice to follow. It opens the doors to a lot more partnership opportunities too with much larger organisations. Some will actually not be able to engage with a company that does not meet these standards.
So in short, there is much more to be gained from simply protecting peoples information, systems and data (although extremely important in Todays climate of IT attacks) - it paves the way for larger networking/business opportunities.
~ Pete Mardell, CEO TriForce Tokens