I have an old wallet of Trollcoin. I mined in 2014.
When I load a new wallet qt whit my wallet I get the error.
What should I do to get the coins from the old wallet?
Thanks, Csaba
Please read the OP and specially this section:
TRL v1.5 to TROLL 2.0 Blockchain Swap F.A.Q.
What happened?
The original TrollCoin code had flaws/bugs that after several attempts to patch still remain. This became clear early 2015 when block times began to fluctuate at an increasing rate & would have eventually killed TrollCoin. Because of this we decided to start fresh with clean code & a coin swap at Bleutrade to phase out the [TRL] blockchain.
short story, there was a few years a go a hotswap to a new version of Trollcoin. (2.0)
This new trollcoin has different settings, Staking capababilities and much more.
Unfortunate you no longer can exchange V1.5 to V2.0 anymore.