I wonder,.... who is the owner of the Trumpcoin faucet...

I have a message for you..
If you think spamming people there browser and blocking my PC is going to help Trumpcoin than you can forget that...
Remove the freaking spam that is every time when i try the faucet is forcing a screen that want to force me into installing something on my computer, FUCK YOU!!! Looser
is this how you want to attrack attention to trumcoin?


or are you doing this for yourself and not for the coin! Looser......
Vieze teringlijers, laagdrempelige honden..... translate that motherfucker.
Leave innocent people out of your SCAM, and get the fuck out of Trumpcoin because you dont deserve to be here... looser
@Depredation do something about it!!! like yesterday...

What do you mean blocking your pc?
And what youre talking about is a popunder ad.. You want free coins without watching ads? Isnt that selfish?
And about the "download this crap" ads. I just got a new adprovider yesterday. And i noticed them myself long time before you..
I'm still waiting for customer service to add some filters so we never have to see them again.
But dude seriously.. with that mouth.. you dont deserve free coins.. just saying ^^