Please I would like to know when you say, ''Making America Great'' Which period in the past was America Great that now is no?
I think there was approx. 19 years in the early 1800's where the full extent of greatness was realized legally and then non legaly but still physically in reality for a longer amount of time up until about the 1890's. But sadly most of the people at that time did not have the means to avail themselves of much more than a good life. And since the legal side had now lost some greatness since the civil war the remedy to the people likewise suffered. And again the encroachment followed..
And were it not for the wisdom of the framers (often called founders) of the USA we would have seen those changes (encroachments) after 1890 all but consume the private property remaining in the hands of the posterity. But since the founders did design a system of dual sovereignty such as they did we have seen a long slide instead of a rapid decent by the states on the vested rights to land privately held which is the corner stone of American individual rights as much as the right to be left alone to associate or not be compelled to associate, and many others. The property right as relates to land and time and property personal are all reasons why the usa was populated rapidly from 1828-1890 approx. In fact with 25 years we became a competitor on the world stage and our economic engine was supply much of the world and shocked the competition how we achieved this so fast compared to the abilities of other nations.
That one economic achievement has many facets you can study. One such example is the apple from new york. And why it is called the empire state. There was veritable world supply of apples grown in new york and the means to deliver. The was an economic force that is easy to study.
So it comes as no surprise we get the finest trolls no doubt from the lowest houses. And yes: That is why all the bankers, governments and both political parties jumped all over the idea when Trump threatened just like Kennedy to unleash the full power of the money to get all of the needed reforms accomplished. The central bankers simply will never allow the people to see examples where a free people with a real hard money supply in their hands to use will win so easily over and over again (which bit coin and Trumpcoin are arguably in most extents and like the us note proposed by Kennedy and trump would also be considered hard money and harder money) is the easiest way to see how we have been getting shafted by the gov and other private institutions for so long,.
So the greatness never really left it has been a hard fought battle that never can really be dropped by the people (it is just that the people of usa are such hard workers we can have the biggest parasites and still keep it looking like a well swept 1st world country) yet since it is one of the only 2 jobs that a legit government really has domestically is to regulate the money to include judicial review in USA and secure the borders... And during peacetime it is the first job because obviously the country is secure if there is peace so there is no excuse to not pay attention to our economy...
The case for greatness taps into a subtle correction in the correct interpretation of law. We are a good nation of states founded upon a good principle but we have allowed these institution to be turned into cesspools of corruption. There is no excuse to lie to the people that we cannot afford to do things the correct way. This boom bust cycle is both a fallacy created by those manipulating the purchasing power of soft money supplies and the political trick to get votes and look good for re-election. Term limits and publicly audit-able transactions are two small ways to bring a lot of change. And this is the change you have been waiting for folks. It is time. You need it now. Another messenger will not be able to afford to give you the truth. They will need someone with millions of dollars like jill stein just found whereas Trump is spending his own millions to tell America the truth it needs to hear. That to me is great and since we all take cues from our leaders. I would say Trump has already done more for greatness than Hillary and Stein together could and most of the past presidents' have.
I say if he is working for the people we should refund him every dollar he spent to run because the fact money is needed to run is because it is a rigged system and sometime political parties ask too much along with needing millions of dollars to run... it is not part of the constitution and since trump all ready refused a salary for us we should return his campaign money to his estate with a "thank you very much"/