It appears most of you just don't realize what's happening in this country, at this time, with this election.
This is unlike anything this country has ever experienced.
Trump is unlike anything this country has ever experienced. He's destroyed the existing establishment politicians.
He's given hope and optimism to a movement of people that have struggled for decades under corrupt bureaucrats.
You're positioned to reap huge benefits if you're smart because very few people know about Trumpcoin yet. That will change soon.
Some of us are working diligently behind the scenes to get this coin back up where it belongs.
Trump will win the election and become the 45th president in 3 weeks and this coin will be instrumental in the people's movement to Make America Great Again.
Or sell your coins and go get a Starbucks coffee.
Are you the new dev D:
Sure, I have no problem taking over that role. Here's why.
The previous two developers, cantstump and signal7 were both nominated by the community. Unfortunately both of them disappeared with no warning to the community whatsoever and seriously damaged the coins' reputation. Signal7 did that twice actually. The originator, chicken65 who I have personally been in contact with has always believed in the coin and has never waivered in his support. Contrary to what some people think he's a straight up guy.
I believe this coins' future is great and I've personally invested lots of time, effort and money into promoting it. Purchasing the domain name, designing and offering up free tokens to help promote the coin and contributing here and investing in the coin itself. There's lots of positive great people in this forum that want it to succeed and just as many that hate Trump and would say and do anything to make it fail. But I'll focus on the supporters.
I'll create no organizational layouts or flowcharts of responsibilities that eventually lead to finger pointing and other corporate BS when things don't go as planned. If anyone reading this wants to be involved and contribute their skills please step up and PM me and we will talk. We need team players with strong social media skills and drive with Facebook, Twitter, html and YouTube videos. I know who some of the best players and contributors are now and I'll be in touch with them, but don't hesitate to contact me anyway.
We have a lot of work to do to get the coin turned around and make it profitable for investors and speculators. I'm committed to making sure it has a long and successful life but now is an excellent time to buy as many Trumpcoins as possible. Once Trump wins the election in 3 weeks you'll wish you had!
Bitbullbarbados... are you a US citizen?
Yes. Main home is Florida, fun home is Rihanna's house in Barbados.
Nice. Toads approve.