
Topic: [ANN] [TRUMP] TrumpCoin SuperPAC - page 26. (Read 97326 times)

Activity: 29
Merit: 0
October 16, 2016, 10:33:46 AM
Final post for now hahah, yes Ive been busy.

I beleive what Trump Coin should be after the election is a symbolic project aimed toward the Alt Right (freedom, liberty, etc) When Trump wins its not like the west/usa is instantly saved.
The regressive left will go absaloutelly psychotic mode and will do anything they can to survive which means they will attack attack attack. Its going to get very nasty.
If he didnt win the same applies. I believe this to be a much better purpose for the project than anything business orientated. Attached to the new super duper blockchain
it could have features targetted directly for its purpose. Dont forget the Trump name will forever be linked with a movement of freedom and liberty. I beleive there is much life in the project.

I like this. Trumpcoin should carry on post election, I'm sure many others feel the same way. I like the concept of "re-correcting the record". Mainstream media is so biased today that it's not even funny.  The idea of tipping coin to individuals and groups who debunk or shine light on things the media tries to hide is pretty good. 
sr. member
Activity: 746
Merit: 251
October 16, 2016, 08:37:36 AM
November pump? Failed coin dump? I just dont know anymore lol
full member
Activity: 163
Merit: 100
October 16, 2016, 08:11:20 AM
Back at 1.7 cents. I did a good thing dumping my Trumps.

As I mentioned a hundred times, this coin is going to collapse with no demand. A fake pump happened a few days ago and now it's dumped back to 1.7 cents

It's a shame but I it looks like it's the end for Trumpcoin........

Can't say much about Trump becoming a president though. But Trumpcoin I can guarantee it's failed very badly.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 503
October 16, 2016, 07:21:17 AM
I advise everyone to buy before the November pump. And please, do not dump big amounts before November 6, will ruin the pump.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 255
October 16, 2016, 06:50:34 AM
Seriously people?this is your choice for USA??
full member
Activity: 158
Merit: 100
October 15, 2016, 06:09:14 PM
A book about Trumpcoin? I find it hard to believe. I hope it's more then just a cover.

Well, there will be the first page that has the devs, and then the remaining pages are pictures of investors:

hanging themselves

jumping off bridges

jumping off buildings

sitting in their cars in their garages with the garage doors closed and the engine running, fumes all around, smog all about

perhaps someone in court declaring bankruptcy

Maybe the back cover will be a picture of Kevorkian.


Yeah the book should wait until he can write a chapter about something successful.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
October 15, 2016, 04:51:20 PM
A book about Trumpcoin? I find it hard to believe. I hope it's more then just a cover.

Well, there will be the first page that has the devs, and then the remaining pages are pictures of investors:

hanging themselves

jumping off bridges

jumping off buildings

sitting in their cars in their garages with the garage doors closed and the engine running, fumes all around, smog all about

perhaps someone in court declaring bankruptcy

Maybe the back cover will be a picture of Kevorkian.

sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Vincit qui se vincit.
October 15, 2016, 12:54:58 PM
A book about Trumpcoin? I find it hard to believe. I hope it's more then just a cover.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
October 15, 2016, 11:21:24 AM
I've sold all my Trumps not that I regret it of course.

But I'm going to watch this very closely now that chicken65 has taken over again.

Signal7 was the cause for this BS. Seems like he made chicken65 look like the bad guy. He's a sneaky bastard this Signal7.

Lets see what you got in store Chicken65

If Chicken is serious, you'll have plenty of time to buy back in, being this grand plan is 3 months out. I still believe Signal will show up at some point, unless he's already been executed and fed to some birds. My guess is he'll come in with the "gag order," deal.


A gag order against an open source project  Wink Nah, wont happen, cant work.
No one owns Trump Coin. This was always the case and still is.

Oh, yeah, I'm aware of that. I'm just thinking of the excuse he'll make if he appears. Assuming he's not lying up in a hospital bed or locked up in an asylum.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1013
October 15, 2016, 09:17:55 AM
Essentially Im just putting forward
a plan for current owners of Trump Coin to extend the life of the project way past the election so folks dont feel they have to dump them.

This wise and far-sighted plan. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the community.
sr. member
Activity: 746
Merit: 251
October 15, 2016, 08:53:08 AM
Hey chicken65 what did you think about the community billboard idea?
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 07:38:03 AM
Final post for now hahah, yes Ive been busy.

I beleive what Trump Coin should be after the election is a symbolic project aimed toward the Alt Right (freedom, liberty, etc) When Trump wins its not like the west/usa is instantly saved.
The regressive left will go absaloutelly psychotic mode and will do anything they can to survive which means they will attack attack attack. Its going to get very nasty.
If he didnt win the same applies. I believe this to be a much better purpose for the project than anything business orientated. Attached to the new super duper blockchain
it could have features targetted directly for its purpose. Dont forget the Trump name will forever be linked with a movement of freedom and liberty. I beleive there is much life in the project.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 07:26:34 AM

Yup that is this 1.5 year olds real hair. The kid obviously cant wait to go full Trump

True True True
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 07:20:53 AM
I have been working tirelessly to complete the book "TrumpCoin - Make Crypto Great Again".  It will be published in 12 days time on the 26th of October 2016.  Please visit @MrSilverCider on Twitter for frequent updates on progress.  Here is the cover design:

If you are able to help, please donate Bitcoin to 1CRLy4xUZbh9rj2GPANiNNBZGZKRKLYYwJ. 

Excellent, look forward to picking one up. Your making history here.  Cool
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 07:19:36 AM
I've sold all my Trumps not that I regret it of course.

But I'm going to watch this very closely now that chicken65 has taken over again.

Signal7 was the cause for this BS. Seems like he made chicken65 look like the bad guy. He's a sneaky bastard this Signal7.

Lets see what you got in store Chicken65

If Chicken is serious, you'll have plenty of time to buy back in, being this grand plan is 3 months out. I still believe Signal will show up at some point, unless he's already been executed and fed to some birds. My guess is he'll come in with the "gag order," deal.

A gag order against an open source project  Wink Nah, wont happen, cant work.
No one owns Trump Coin. This was always the case and still is.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 07:16:17 AM
Never selling the 100k is admirable.

Claiming that you've developed something better than ETH..... uhhhh..... well extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

What are the details?

Im not dishing out details.  Im here to simply offer Trump Coin owners a way to avoid getting rid of their coins before the election.
Nothing is settled yet. As far as I can see there isnt enough responders for me to know what to do. 
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 07:09:13 AM
nice to see you're back chicken.
i really liked this projekt while you were the dev and continued buying in the cantstump-age.. then i put a lot of hope in signal and thought he will make trumpcoin finally a big success - oh i was so wrong...

i don't think trumpcoin is dying, but i think it won't moon again, like it did a few months ago.. so, in the last days, i considered to sell my coins and swap to another altcoin.

You made me overthink this now. I'd really love to see an advanced trumpcoin and to be a part of it - but at the same time i'm afraid you might try to create a little hype to sell your 100k of the fund for some more bucks (the past months taught me to not trust someone too fast).
Could you tell us some more details of your ideas and thoughts for the future, so we can see there are actual plans?

Thank you!

i don't think trumpcoin is dying, but i think it won't moon again

I agree with the first part, not so sure about the second part.

You made me overthink this now

I would suggest keep some for V3 (as it will now be called). I always like to use a simple process. Break even and whatever happens after that is all good.

but at the same time i'm afraid you might try to create a little hype to sell your 100k of the fund

Dont worry. That 100k will not ever be sold. I only ever planned to sell them if the coin reached a much higher price than it currently is.
Im just going to hold on to them and if we go V3 I can swap them over and maybe use them to help the coin.

Could you tell us some more details of your ideas and thoughts for the future, so we can see there are actual plans?

Cant say much except its one of its kind. Its seriously cool stuff but were some months away from launch. So, if Trump
does get switched to that chain it would mean Trump Coin would be running on the most advanced Blockchain around and could
have any features or purpose we wanted. I can think of a few but don’t need to get in to them yet. Essentially Im just putting forward
a plan for current owners of Trump Coin to extend the life of the project way past the election so folks dont feel they have to dump them.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
October 15, 2016, 06:50:02 AM
You got any plans? Link us to the new thread then i guess.

I cant do that at the moment, were months away from launch. I’m simply suggesting Trump Coin can be extended and prosper by shifting it on to a sub chain within this new project (like how you see ETH clones) except it wont be a clone at all but it will be running on the **** Platform and subsequenetly can have any feature developed you can think of (yes its that good). That network is amazing, its going to create serious waves in crypto and the fiat business world. Trump Coin would be the first external coin to be run on this network.

Before that though I would need to see what the community are saying. I have no dog in this race now as I own zero Trumps personally. However, the project is close to my heart and Im pretty sure I can do something to help extend the project by attaching rocket fuel underneath it. We need to ditch the coorprate theme brought in by signal though. It was the biggest mistake of this project imho. From that moment it became incredibly low energy and people started losing interest. Amazing when you consider Trump has now become the most talked about (demonized) man in human history (or since the first newspaper was ever printed).

sounds like an interesting plan. how would it work though? if there are 6.5million Trumpcoins, how would you allocate them to something new, and would you need 100% of the coins to do it?

there is life in trumpcoin yet.

 Seamless process, easy to do.  You would simply have your coins in the exchange and they would automatically be swapped
for the new ones. This is just an idea mind you. Its just a way that could stop people panic dumping around election day.
Activity: 105
Merit: 10
October 15, 2016, 12:17:56 AM
* poptartcat grabs TrumpCoin by the pussy Tongue
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