Current status : 300USDE sakkosekk TOTAL : 35400 USDE
1000USDE drumingspz
1100USDE def_ender
1000USDE Bachethead
1000USDE rozenbal
1000USDE Benjal
250USDE Xtar
12000USDE USD-e
1000USDE bitWarrior
1000USDE Suporte
750USDE DrMad
1000USDE OrkneyCoiner
1000USDE Bfljosh
1000USDE burningzoul
1000USDE Gorbash
Fellow USDe supporters, let's show some solidarity and show others what a grassroots fundraiser looks like!
We will be running other high visibility campaigns for worthy causes in the near future too, so please consider donating whatever USDe you can to get this movement some twitter exposure!