By popular demand in the Logo POLL that was posted recently, most users like the original design, but with a few tweaks.
What are your thoughts on this version of the Coin's image?
I don´t think a logo for a coin has to look like a coin. However, the actual logo should fit on a coin. The logo must be displayed with a coin and without a coin - but the logo isn´t the coin! The current logo with the coin is too fragmented, the individual parts do not fit together and there are to many "cheap" filter effects (sorry). As I have already written a few days ago here, I would also provide the "e" or "E" with two strokes at the top and at the bottom. It should be simple and quickly to understand. It has to work as positive and negative (on black or any color). It should be as easy as $ or € or
My opinions is, leave the old logo behind and free your mind.
We need a professional graphic design. If you want to invest some old school $ for it: very cheap but professional newcomer.
Or we have to collect some more USDe to pay a
professional designer. I would say, we need 250.000 USDe or more for it (=0.375 BTC or $300). This is nothing for a logo!!!
It´s my daily business. I´m a creative director for this. But I don´t have time to do it. I will help as much I can. I can give some advise.
The logo is very very important!!! Much more than the most people are thinking.
We have collected money before to help spread the word, and this is good. It would be much better if the image we were projecting was more professional. This is the second person from the graphic design field that has said we are missing the boat, and this guy didn't even ask to do it, ie wanted money. It's very important in my opinion. I see people that think these logos are good? What do the rest of the 90% of you that are staying silent think? Say something, post a damn comment lol
I'm not trying to be negative or hurt the feelings of anyone. I just look at the logo now and it seems just.....OK, and the some of the changes made to it have made an improvement no doubt.
Does the logo look like it goes on something that world will use as money? That is, instead of the money they are using now?
I think it's great that the devs have started the conversation. All you quiet people need to speak out. I just don't know if this logo should be trusted to us, piecing this thing together, when we are not graphic designers. This coin is headed for major promotion. Will the logo be like one step back when a brand new person to cryptos sees it, or will it be a step forward when they see it? I just have a hard time believing that I'm overreacting here, but who knows I been wrong many times before.
Go USDe!!