Launch plan updated to ensure that Linux users are allowed to Solo Mine too, before pools join in at launch tomorrow.
okw one good question here : what i see is dicrimination :
[ 1 ] this : to ensure that Linux users are allowed to Solo Mine too, before pools join ?
[ 2 ] bounty for pools with a stratum delay of 10 minutes after launch ?
please explane this it looks not fair ....................launch is launch for all at the same time !
Damned if you do, damned if you don't...
there are a whole Army of miners out there who will not mine in a Pool... lots of Linux users who would scream that they are being penalized... so before the giant rush of hash (hey, that rhymed, kinda?) hops on, solo miners will have an opportunity to pocket some USDE's, regardless of their computer platform.
jesus christ .................dude i did not say
Damned if you do, damned if you don't... !
its only a question and you wanna bring a coin into this world ? you want respect earn it !!!!!!
i dont yell.. i dont call names, nothing just asking
you want to represent a launching ? a new crypto coin ?? get a grip !
i am not asking anymore ......................................
ow yea i am a slow CPU MINER so what ?........20 khash/s.......................................