
Topic: [ANN] [V] Version - Rare Desirable NO PREMINE Store of Value -->> v0.8.9.9 FIX - page 7. (Read 71663 times)

sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 250
where can i sell coins?

check page 44/45

my wallet is synced but i have this error:
"errors" : "WARNING: Checkpoint is too old. Wait for block chain to download, or notify

warning is a known bug

i see something is moving!!!

synced like a charm!!!

Activity: 78
Merit: 10
is the chain with blockcount 400156 the right one?
where can i sell coins?

my wallet is synced but i have this error:
"errors" : "WARNING: Checkpoint is too old. Wait for block chain to download, or notify
hero member
Activity: 1029
Merit: 712
i think this coin i really dead....

impossible to sync

Agreed, can't synch my wallet any longer.
sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 250
i think this coin i really dead....

impossible to sync
Activity: 117
Merit: 10
I have been trying for days now to get my wallet to resync with no luck. Could someone upload the correct blockchain perhaps?
sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 250
maybe we need another frontpage to show the bounties?
sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 250

Development is the top priority for now, I think it would be good to allocate more funds for it.

We need to get someone to review the code, probably increase the block time, check PoS algo, add Coin Control, etc.
To get V really going we need a new stable version first.

I'm wondering what is the real current PoS rate for V, it's definitely much more than 10% per annum Smiley

Indeed. The PoS reward seems to be a bit insane - I put it down to a low number of folks staking at first, although on my most recent sync. its certainly much higher than 10% or a 'multiple of' in the code is wrong.

I'm not the best of coders, but I'll get around to checking the current repo. and finding what the actual values are vs the published values etc.

Ofc this might mean that the coins distribution is actually a real mess and will cause issues with further adoption / use.

A basic review of the code and a working block explorer are the priority I think.

To be honest I would accept the offers of additional V that have been made and massively increase the bounties for development work.  To my mind that is the only hope of saving the coin at this point.

as stated previously i can give 100.000 V ,

50.000 or all can be for developement
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
hero member
Activity: 1029
Merit: 712

Development is the top priority for now, I think it would be good to allocate more funds for it.

We need to get someone to review the code, probably increase the block time, check PoS algo, add Coin Control, etc.
To get V really going we need a new stable version first.

I'm wondering what is the real current PoS rate for V, it's definitely much more than 10% per annum Smiley

Indeed. The PoS reward seems to be a bit insane - I put it down to a low number of folks staking at first, although on my most recent sync. its certainly much higher than 10% or a 'multiple of' in the code is wrong.

I'm not the best of coders, but I'll get around to checking the current repo. and finding what the actual values are vs the published values etc.

Ofc this might mean that the coins distribution is actually a real mess and will cause issues with further adoption / use.

A basic review of the code and a working block explorer are the priority I think.

To be honest I would accept the offers of additional V that have been made and massively increase the bounties for development work.  To my mind that is the only hope of saving the coin at this point.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 250

I'm wondering what is the real current PoS rate for V, it's definitely much more than 10% per annum Smiley

I'll tell you this secret!

almost 100% every 9/10 days
sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 250
i will also allocate 100.000 V for the revival!

count me on
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

Development is the top priority for now, I think it would be good to allocate more funds for it.

We need to get someone to review the code, probably increase the block time, check PoS algo, add Coin Control, etc.
To get V really going we need a new stable version first.

I'm wondering what is the real current PoS rate for V, it's definitely much more than 10% per annum Smiley

Indeed. The PoS reward seems to be a bit insane - I put it down to a low number of folks staking at first, although on my most recent sync. its certainly much higher than 10% or a 'multiple of' in the code is wrong.

I'm not the best of coders, but I'll get around to checking the current repo. and finding what the actual values are vs the published values etc.

Ofc this might mean that the coins distribution is actually a real mess and will cause issues with further adoption / use.

A basic review of the code and a working block explorer are the priority I think.
hero member
Activity: 1029
Merit: 712
tertius993 and noise23 ...

What would you suggest your additional funds being used for ?

Increasing bounties ? A working faucet ? Additional development funds ?

Development is the top priority for now, I think it would be good to allocate more funds for it.

We need to get someone to review the code, probably increase the block time, check PoS algo, add Coin Control, etc.
To get V really going we need a new stable version first.

I'm wondering what is the real current PoS rate for V, it's definitely much more than 10% per annum Smiley

Fix the wallet: first, second and third priorities.

PoS is broken and must be fixed.

The colour scheme/skin in Windows 8.1 (at least) is horrible and should be changed.  Very hard to use.
Activity: 968
Merit: 1002
tertius993 and noise23 ...

What would you suggest your additional funds being used for ?

Increasing bounties ? A working faucet ? Additional development funds ?

Development is the top priority for now, I think it would be good to allocate more funds for it.

We need to get someone to review the code, probably increase the block time, check PoS algo, add Coin Control, etc.
To get V really going we need a new stable version first.

I'm wondering what is the real current PoS rate for V, it's definitely much more than 10% per annum Smiley
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
tertius993 and noise23 ...

What would you suggest your additional funds being used for ?

Increasing bounties ? A working faucet ? Additional development funds ?
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
I'll donate 100,000 V if it'll help.

I'll donate 100,000 V too.

Thanks tertius993 and noise23 !

Lets see what interest and new support we can muster up.

With the ever increasing number of absolute 'junk' crypto coins...

I see no reason why Version Vault [V] cannot be revived as one of the better and more original Store-of-Value / Proof-of-Stake coins.

Activity: 968
Merit: 1002
hero member
Activity: 1029
Merit: 712
I'll donate 100,000 V if it'll help.
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
Is it dead?

No V is not dead.

The pool is alive and on the correct chain with a hash rate of > 250 GH/s in the last few days.

There are still upwards of 10+ clients online and on the highest chain (matching the pool) who are also generating PoS.

I have set-up 2 new addnodes in Germany that are on the correct chain with the pool.

addnodes for version.conf


This is an attempt to revive Version Vault [V] in the absence of the original developer StayCrypto.

As a holder of just over 120,000 V (generated mostly with PoS !!!) - I have decided to allocate 50,000+ V to try and get this project moving again.

To start:

Build a new Development team - up to 25,000 V allocated.

Initial priorities:

- Full code review and analysis of the blockchain.

- Investigate previous issues with the blockchain - probably only related to the low block time and/or PoS algo.

- Ensure correct functionality of the daemon for some new pools.

- New updated client / wallet release built with OpenSSL v1.0.1g - new checkpoints - new block time ? - Based on everything else being OK.

Additional 25,000 V bounties for immediate distribution:

New Pools:

2,500 V - Pool 1

2,500 V - Pool 2

New Pool operators must;

Run an existing quality pool on an active domain (preferably with https enabled)

Have shown fair operation for a good few months and/or have experience with different crypto coins.

New Exchanges:

2,500 V - Exchange 1

2,500 V - Exchange 2

2,500 V - Exchange 3

2,500 V - Exchange 4

Exchanges must;

Run an existing crypto currency exchange on an active domain (https enabled)

Have shown fair operation for a good few months or more.

New working Block Explorer:

2,500 V - Block Explorer

Should be on an existing Block Explorer sub-domain with at least 2 other active crypto coins.

Distribution of 7,500 V coins to Senior forum members able to run the wallet for PoS to help secure the network.

250 V x 10 people - 2,500 - to Hero and/or Senior Forum members only. Just send me a PM. First come, first served.

50 V x 50 people - 2,500 - to Senior and/or Full forum members only. Again, Just send me a PM. First come, first served.

10 V x 250 people - 2,500 - to be made available via a separate promo on twitter.

= Total 50,000 V allocated from my personal V wallet.


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