vDinar: cryptocurrency for local use but international miningBTCBTCBTCBTCBTCRELEASE DATE: 1ST FEBRUARY 2018BTCBTCBTCBTCBTCMain vDinar page: https://vdinar.jugoslaven.com First of all: this currency has already been tested, but the genesis block will be generated again just before launching. This is to prevent doubts on premining. DO NOT mine with the GitHub release until launch (1st February 2018)! What you can now see on GitHub is not the official version but an old testing code which will soon be updated. Remember, vDinar is not officially mineable until 1st February 2018!
vDinar now DOES bring new algorythm improvements!
We announce vCRYPT, our own version of the Scrypt hash function. Similarly to Scrypt-N, vCrypt changes the N variable by doubling it every new change, yet we haven't applied this changes using already chosen timestamps but following the blocks growth.
The N variable will thus make it very difficult for a GPU parallel program for every new change and will therefore make it really easier to mine on CPU, something everyone of us can afford, especially our southern slavic people!
Parameters will probably be modified before releasing so we'll not bother you by writing them yet.
vDinar is backed politically and financially to be slowly implemented in the local everyday internet life of SerboCroatian speaking countries, but won't start until it gets enough miners to secure the network. If you'd like to mine this coin, please leave some feedback. We need to understand how many people are following the project.
Why should I mine this coin if it's not aiming to be used in my country?
Of course, you will probably never buy something using vDinars in your country, but it doesn't affect the investment you are making. We are looking for international miners because we can't rely on the low number of miners in our area. There will therefore be much more local people trying to buy vDinars than to mine them.
If you feel like we're missing some informations, just ask!
P.S.: we are working on vDinar specific mining softwares and in improving our pool setups. We will also do our best to build online wallet services for people not wanting to keep the blockchain on their own computer and exchange networks. Any suggestion is appreciated!
Update (16/10/2017):