
Topic: [Ann] Vector A Pow/Pos Hybrid Yobit [Toxic] - page 6. (Read 36620 times)

sr. member
Activity: 951
Merit: 259
September 07, 2015, 09:52:47 AM
it's truth, somethings doesn't function well today with images, you non believers can look by yourself !

example OP for BotCoin:
* doesn't show the picture

but when you search last posts from the dev then show pictures:

hero member
Activity: 591
Merit: 500
Why oh why Didnt i take the blue pill ?!?!
September 07, 2015, 09:29:38 AM
This last one I relay like, maybe this could be proposal for the dev to go this way. I found it interesting. Nice work AminerMiner.

Done now we need to redo all the images in ASCII art

oops.. edited the previous instead of a new one.. lol  Grin
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 07, 2015, 08:40:25 AM
This last one I relay like, maybe this could be proposal for the dev to go this way. I found it interesting. Nice work AminerMiner.

Done now we need to redo all the images in ASCII art
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
September 07, 2015, 08:33:05 AM
This last one I relay like, maybe this could be proposal for the dev to go this way. I found it interesting. Nice work AminerMiner.
hero member
Activity: 591
Merit: 500
Why oh why Didnt i take the blue pill ?!?!
September 07, 2015, 08:26:23 AM
here ya go.







full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 07, 2015, 08:13:49 AM
     I get no respect  Cry

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hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 07, 2015, 07:55:32 AM
maybe it would be better to let us click the link to the image since it wont load here
hero member
Activity: 591
Merit: 500
Why oh why Didnt i take the blue pill ?!?!
September 07, 2015, 07:40:55 AM

The images come and go, looks like some hardware/software failure, I spent 3 hours trying to fix OP but images kept being replaced by text link.
Sometimes show with images sometimes don't. So replaced images with text for now.

Edit: Did bitcointalk disable images for new accounts?  Grin

looks like it  Grin

full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 07, 2015, 07:36:18 AM

The images come and go, looks like some hardware/software failure, I spent 3 hours trying to fix OP but images kept being replaced by text link.
Sometimes show with images sometimes don't. So replaced images with text for now.

Edit: Did bitcointalk disable images for new accounts?  Grin

Edit2: great ASCII I guess.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 07, 2015, 06:21:36 AM
Looks like is having problems showing images, so will wait on updating OP until that is fixed.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
September 07, 2015, 03:42:06 AM

Working on a new updated OP.
hopefully it would be trex addition

or even better Poloniex  Cool
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
September 07, 2015, 03:41:51 AM
Hm this works surprisingly good. Mining, staking, whoever is dev did a nice job.
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 07, 2015, 01:25:45 AM

Working on a new updated OP.
hopefully it would be trex addition
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 06, 2015, 11:21:06 PM

Working on a new updated OP.
hero member
Activity: 591
Merit: 500
Why oh why Didnt i take the blue pill ?!?!
September 06, 2015, 08:27:59 PM
I personally don't use staking android wallets... lol just syncing them starts to over heat my phone let alone them constantly trying to stake... potential to burn out phone or battery

so my vote would be for a light wallet, much quicker to use... don't need to wait for them to sync to use

pos block finds are now 50 VEC !!!

i do agree on the heat issue on synching.. i have had the same with my phone.. BUT..  thats probably because its a continuous heavy(possibly looooong) process.i thnk Huh

however there are a few nice staking wallets out there that run pretty smooth and DO NOT heat up your phone that much or burn out the battery.(after synch that is lol)

GAIA android being a good example IMO.


full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 06, 2015, 05:55:46 PM
I personally don't use staking android wallets... lol just syncing them starts to over heat my phone let alone them constantly trying to stake... potential to burn out phone or battery

so my vote would be for a light wallet, much quicker to use... don't need to wait for them to sync to use

pos block finds are now 50 VEC !!!

yeah, you are probably right about syncing and burning battery lol...but will be very interesting to have staking wallet on mobile, I would like to see that and try of course

Yes I would not recommend staking on older mobile devices, but current mobile devices are more than able to handle staking.
If you have an older mobile device, you can always set reserve balance in wallet and prevent it from staking.
The current 90 seconds block time, will generate much less data consumption for syncing. I will still consider all the feedback though.
I will run some analysis on Android wallet before release and insure it's optimized for lowest data/battery consumption.

ya my phone isn't old but it was only 150. so it's deff not the computing machine of a samsung or a sony

Yes I know what you mean, these days it's those two companies who are making phones a powerhouse.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
September 06, 2015, 03:59:34 PM
I personally don't use staking android wallets... lol just syncing them starts to over heat my phone let alone them constantly trying to stake... potential to burn out phone or battery

so my vote would be for a light wallet, much quicker to use... don't need to wait for them to sync to use

pos block finds are now 50 VEC !!!

yeah, you are probably right about syncing and burning battery lol...but will be very interesting to have staking wallet on mobile, I would like to see that and try of course

Yes I would not recommend staking on older mobile devices, but current mobile devices are more than able to handle staking.
If you have an older mobile device, you can always set reserve balance in wallet and prevent it from staking.
The current 90 seconds block time, will generate much less data consumption for syncing. I will still consider all the feedback though.
I will run some analysis on Android wallet before release and insure it's optimized for lowest data/battery consumption.

ya my phone isn't old but it was only 150. so it's deff not the computing machine of a samsung or a sony
sr. member
Activity: 951
Merit: 259
September 06, 2015, 02:49:23 PM
I personally don't use staking android wallets... lol just syncing them starts to over heat my phone let alone them constantly trying to stake... potential to burn out phone or battery

so my vote would be for a light wallet, much quicker to use... don't need to wait for them to sync to use

pos block finds are now 50 VEC !!!

yeah, you are probably right about syncing and burning battery lol...but will be very interesting to have staking wallet on mobile, I would like to see that and try of course

Yes I would not recommend staking on older mobile devices, but current mobile devices are more than able to handle staking.
If you have an older mobile device, you can always set reserve balance in wallet and prevent it from staking.
The current 90 seconds block time, will generate much less data consumption for syncing. I will still consider all the feedback though.
I will run some analysis on Android wallet before release and insure it's optimized for lowest data/battery consumption.

Then the answer is obvious...I'm voting for staking
I'm pretty sure that more people will be for staking than light version
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
September 06, 2015, 02:38:55 PM
I personally don't use staking android wallets... lol just syncing them starts to over heat my phone let alone them constantly trying to stake... potential to burn out phone or battery

so my vote would be for a light wallet, much quicker to use... don't need to wait for them to sync to use

pos block finds are now 50 VEC !!!

yeah, you are probably right about syncing and burning battery lol...but will be very interesting to have staking wallet on mobile, I would like to see that and try of course

Yes I would not recommend staking on older mobile devices, but current mobile devices are more than able to handle staking.
If you have an older mobile device, you can always set reserve balance in wallet and prevent it from staking.
The current 90 seconds block time, will generate much less data consumption for syncing. I will still consider all the feedback though.
I will run some analysis on Android wallet before release and insure it's optimized for lowest data/battery consumption.
sr. member
Activity: 951
Merit: 259
September 06, 2015, 02:27:50 PM
I personally don't use staking android wallets... lol just syncing them starts to over heat my phone let alone them constantly trying to stake... potential to burn out phone or battery

so my vote would be for a light wallet, much quicker to use... don't need to wait for them to sync to use

pos block finds are now 50 VEC !!!

yeah, you are probably right about syncing and burning battery lol...but will be very interesting to have staking wallet on mobile, I would like to see that and try of course
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