yes please, let me know too how you think it's the dev? What happens to the viacoins that I do burn in exchange for XCH?
A: They go to fund future development of ClearingHouse.
So 600 BTC from the IPO was not enough, now he needs more funds.
For 3 days the dev already "collected" around 185 BTC (assuming he sold his 0.37m VIA at the average price of 50k)
You have no proof and you are just spreading FUD..
Ask the dev to prove his 0.37m VIA holdings. He clearly stated that the coins will be used to fund development. Doesn't that mean selling VIA for BTC?
Have you heard of ethereum?
How many BTC's have they collected so far? Why do they need so much? What's the proof of their work?
If you think that one of the leading BTC developers is part of a scam, then I could justify what I hear from people who don't know much about BTC. Usually the response I get from people is , "oh yeah, I hear it's the biggest scam going on now". $6billion is a HUGE scam. Repercussions of such a thing could cost people more than money.
Of course not, Todd is awesome, btcdrak is shady as hell. I wonder who has the IPO BTC and who is controlling the "donation" address. If it is Todd - that is good, if it is the trader guy - I hope Todd leaves him soon.
Btw, I hope you are not serious when you try to compare viacoin with euthereum project. Viacoin is a copy-paste coin of existent technology, with some modifications. Euthereum is a completely new technology and as such deserves much more attention than a copy-paste code of viacoin. Also, btcdrak is still a shady person and he is not a coder. I hope you are not serious in comparing a trader guy to euthereum team that traveled across the globe to meet with various groups of people.
Revelation, I'm not really quite sure where you find your information about BTCdrak not being able to code or that he is "shady". But you seem intent on disparaging him, so I'll chime in and let you know where I managed to get my information about him.
First I would like to disclose to the community that I am a large Viacoin holder. I genuinely believe in the project.
I was fortunate enough to participate in the initial offering. I stumbled across the ANN the day before the presale ended and managed to get 14 BTC in the presale. I'd alerted my business partner to Viacoin, we had lunch and discussed the coin and he went on to contribute 75 BTC in the presale.
I'm a believer that the next generation of cryptocurrency would run off it's own blockchain because the limitations of BTC were obvious to me. I read "The Story of Viacoin" on the Viacoin blog and it resonated with me enough that I was excited about this project. I'll admit I was very concerned that the core developer chose to remain anonymous but as I read more in the forums I'd learned that Btcdrak was a veteran member with a strong reputation amongst both developers and traders, and it put my concerns of his identity at ease enough so that I wouldn't dismiss this coin and I decided to participate in the presale. One thing I noticed was his attention to detail, and how professional and almost flawless the Viacoin presale went from beginning to end. His execution was impressive, and in my mind this is one of the major things that I look for in an entepreneur / core dev. and intuitively I felt that if he executed like this on the presale, then it's more probable than not that he would hold that same standard to all of his work. But more so, I never felt like I was being sold on Viacoin, it more felt like I stumbled on a gem, and Btcdrak was just doing his thing whether or not I invested, he didn't care.
So the presale happened, and within a couple of days a number of exchanges started picking up Viacoin, I think it was like 5 exchanges in 48 hours. This was impressive. Again, Btcdrak never promised anything and overdelivered.
Then a very fortunate event occurred. I was interviewing developers for some projects that my partner (Otoh) and I were thinking of starting up in either the Viacoin or Darkcoin ecosystem (we are also large holders of Darkcoin). Well, one of the programming candidates out of Croatia had told me he was an investor in Viacoin as well. The candidate was a fairly strong developer having worked for over 20 years in software development, he had experience in Unix/Linux, PHP, Perl, Java, C, C++, he had previously worked at Blue Martini software, and he was a graduate from a top university in the US (superior to my alma mater UC Berkeley). I came to find out he had worked with Btcdrak on various projects over the last decade and he said that he knew him in real life. Being fully aware Btcdrak did not want his identity revealed I chose not to inquire, but I asked him what he thought about Btcdrak. His response was pretty much that a.) Btcdrak was extremely fair and honest and b.) that he was a very strong programmer and incredibly smart. He went on to tell me that when he realized that Btcdrak was the person behind Viacoin he chose to invest in the coin. While we did not move forward with this candidate (as we were looking for someone with more mobile experience) we have stayed in touch and he's referred us other qualified developers, leading me to firmly believe he was truthful in what he said.
As a result of this fortunate discovery, my most major concern about this project had been resolved and what I had initially suspected about BTCdrak's level of work turned out to most likely be true. A.) Because of the high praise of his integrity I didn't need to worry about his identity as it is extremely unlikely that this is a scam. and B.) He was a sharp individual and strong developer so I should feel confident that he will continue to overdeliver on this project.
As such, I decided to increase my position in Viacoin considerably. And sure enough over the next few days Btcdrak announces hiring both Grynn San and then Peter Todd, again never promising, but overdelivering.
So Revelation, I'm not sure where you get your information about Btcdrak, but I thought I'd share with everyone where I got mine. Also, for what it's worth, my partner and I don't make too many investments, but now when we do they are fairly considerable in size. The last large investment we made was in Darkcoin where we acquired one of the largest stakes. But we are not simply just coin holders. We do a lot behind the scenes. It turns out we were pretty much instrumental in why DRK was added to Bitfinex. In addition to that, I introduced Evan Duffield to their legal counsel who is currently helping them structure the Darkcoin Foundation (which will soon be announced) of which I am a founding member. We like to do everything we can to help our investments grow (and sometimes unfortunately things don't work out), and we'll happily offer the same help to Viacoin should Btcdrak or the community need anything. But my gut tells me Btcdrak can handle all of this just fine. He got this.
It is truly amazing that there are people in alts like yourself and Otoh, you guys are keeping alts afloat!
I understand that you have done due diligence before putting your money where your mouth is but I believe that your viacoin call is not the greatest one. There are other real devs that are better than btcdrak. Here are the reasons why I think btcdrak is shady:
1. No technical posts of him, even his two older posts mentioned in the blog are just saying that BTC needs another blockchain
2. During pre-sale and immediately after btcdrak was vocal how ICO is not the same as selling the premine (lack of financial knowledge?)
3. Pre-sale was done without escrow and exchange, with minimum transparency, which is still true today - no transparency
4. Impeccable pre-sale execution, however apparently little effort was put to the initial code as the blockchain was forked and for 2 days trading was halted (remember, this was before Todd came and the code was simple bitcoin clone with few lines here and there committed).
5. Viacoin concept is someone's else idea, even the protocol is taken from another project, however due to nice marketing spin it is now considered Ethereum competitor, which it is not on any level.
The only good thing about ViaCoin is Peter Todd. There is not that much transparency as to what he is exactly doing and how much motivated he is to stay on the project.