ISO compliant currency code?
"X" currencies are used for "supranational" currencies, that is currencies not associated with any country, and "X" is used instead of two letter country code.
take for example Bitcoin (which you know as BTC): it has "X" ISO code assigned - which is XBT (cannot start with BT because BT is reserved country code for Bhutan and also Bitcoin is supranational currency therefore starts with X) and is already used - for example financial exchange rate news do not list Bitcoin in BTC but in XBT
this has to be done eventually, once financial institutions and business start using cryptocurrency (such as currency exchange rates published in news, banks, price tickers, airline/train tickets, etc), they are going to use ISO compliant codes whether you like it or not.
proposed viacoin x currency code:
XVC - ISO compliant (
X +
i'd recommend to not hesitate and prolong this too much because there's a limit on currency code availability
(seeing its "X + two letters" thats about 600 possible variations).
sources for reading about ISO currency code standards: