I think the only reason he is still around when most other altcoin devs have left, (besides the obvious reputation hit) is because he isnt depending on the price of VIACOIN. HE already had gotten the money from it, so right now he is like a kickstarter developer. All the money upfront, so he can stay and work in peace without having to worry about wtf2do and hype/pump the price.
'Everything you say can and will be used against you.' This adagium is good to keep in mind concerning the FUDsters and I am sure Drak does.
My view
With close involvement of BTC devs, VIA is a project where the core-devs are trying to further improve and work out the high standards of BTC blockchain technology and aiming to find solutions for existing problems concerning for example scaling and security. It is also about considering and anticipating what all can be done on top of the blockchain, since VIA is about 2.0 technology.
After all, blockchain technology is aiming for a multi billion dollar economy, and security and rubustness of blochchain and network is therefore a huge responsabilty and priority. I guess it comes with exitement, but also with sleepless nights.
The name 'Chief scientist' for Peter Todd says it all. It means the Via-project is a scientific (and therefore experimental) project that is concerned with trying to find solutions for existing challenges. The technological matters are far above the knowledge of the average crypto investor (including mine). I am following Peter Todd at Twitter, as probably many of us do, and clearly the issues at stake are complex and delicate. As I understand, development involves a lot of discussions on how to solve problems, what alternatives can be considered, which comes with economical, mathematical, coding, pragmatic, political and even philosophical considerations.
Therefore I understand this is a process that is hard to put in terms of a roadmap.
Via is open source so not just depending theoretically on contributions of Drak and Todd solely.
About motivation, I read Drak is mining VIA himself and I expect him accumulating a good amount of VIA. Besides, as participators in the BTC development, I think Drak and Todd simply are aiming for the highest prof standards. Which is a combination of having a professional down to earth attitude of making something solid and a spirit of pioneering in a relatively new area. So, motivation is a combination of professional, ambition and economical motives.
As the fake Zynga pump has shown, it could only need one serious real world company adoption for VIA in order to take off, but a slow adaptation is also possible. Like BTC, it could go all to zero (not likely) or it could be part of an immense new blockchain based trillion $ economy. Time will tell, but seen the economy build on BTC in six years it all looks exciting. And, patience is required. This demand an adult attitude in a sometimes adolecent environment.
My advise therefore: invest only what you can miss and hold midterm/longterm, unless you are an experienced daytrader.