I had a transaction that didn't go through between two of my own wallets today.. I fixed that problem so maybe you have the same issue.
If you hoover over the transaction in transactions, does it show "uncomfirmed"? It has a question mark as an icon.
Or does it show up as a blue checkmark?
hello BartVanseer, thanks for your reply. hello, how did you fix the problem? I sent my wallet pc to exchange coinsmarkets.com, other operation never problem except three. For cornersmarkets.com it is necessary to wait 6 confirmations. no confirmation has started for more than a month. In addition I do not even find the block concerned by my transfers. there is no trace in the block chain, I can not find anything despite my id of operation! Here are two screenshots from my wallet and the 2 on the exchanger.
hello, how did you fix the problem? I sent my wallet pc to exchange coinsmarkets.com, other operation never problem except three. For cornersmarkets.com it is necessary to wait 6 confirmations. no confirmation has started for more than a month. In addition I do not even find the block concerned by my transfers. there is no trace in the block chain, I can not find anything despite my id of operation! here are two screenshots from my wallet and the 2 on the exchanger.
https://www.noelshack.com/2018-02-7-1515969855-2018-01-13-192615-1.jpghttps://www.noelshack.com/2018-02-7-1515969852-2018-01-13-193217.pnghttps://image.noelshack.com/minis/2018/02/7/1515969855-2018-01-13-192615-1.pnghttps://image.noelshack.com/minis/2018/02/7/1515969852-2018-01-13-193217.pngI had the same thing except that it did not show up on the other side, what I did is export the private key, delete the wallet.dat (better: put it aside although VIOG creates backups by itself everythime you start the thing) and then let it create a new wallet and import the privkey again.
You need to this for every wallet address you have.
If you feel comfortable enough and have backups it goes like this:
1: Check all addresses you used (hopefully you pressed reuse everytime
Go to Receive, mark "Reuse an existing..." and press Request Payment.
Copy all the addresses to notepad or somewhere so you can get them later on.
2: Backup the private keys
Open the debug console and type:
dumpprivkey TheAddressYouCopiedEarlier
This will give your private key (DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE INCLUDING US HERE!) and paste it in the same notepad file.
Do this for every address you have used.
3: Close the wallet program
4: Go to %AppData%\Vivoinnovaonexgobyte and make a copy of the wallet.dat file (or rename it), leave the rest intact or you will have to resync the blockchain.
5: Open the wallet again and import the private keys
Open the debug console and type this:
importprivkey theprivatekeyyoushouldntsharewithanyone
I think the wallet will restart by itself an rescan the wallet.
Do this for every address you have
If there are transactions that are in your wallet but not on the blockchain they will be gone.
If yours are still there then I am out of options
(I am no expert yet, just came across problems that I managed to solve).