Scanning has completed. First design has been posted, please let me know what you all think.
Definitely cool. I'm looking forward to hearing more information about the poster.
I did have a comment on the design... It seems like some of the avatars are highly used, either because they are stock images or because they are connected to a signature program of some kind. Would it be possible or beneficial to remove the duplicate avatars? Might make it a little more unique if every picture was an original. Although that might severely limit the number of avatars.
My thoughts exactly.
Sunday, I ran through the 12,200 avatars and removed about 2,000 of the duplicates. This way, the avatars that make up the canvas & poster mosaic are larger and easier to see.
The website will continue to display all avatars that it is able to scan, as I feel that goes hand in hand with the projects name, We are Satoshi. I hope to optimize the website as well as develop a way for users to look up their avatar image by number, and have it highlight it on a web version of the mosaic, as well as the list.
Thank you for your thoughts, I will post more soon.