**WAS for ALS Cure**
Hey #WeAreSatoshians!
I work in marketing and advertising, and I also designed the logo for #WAS and the website. For proof talk to MrBrew or click "Contact the webmaster" on wearesatoshi.net, it will send a PM to me here on this site). I hope that gives me some credibility as being invested into this project, and wanting to help make it succeed.
I saw this tweet on our website feed: Tooluthetoo @Tooluthetoo
@WeAreSatoshi lets help Hal Finney
http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2014/03/25/satoshi-nakamotos-neighbor-the-bitcoin-ghostwriter-who-wasnt/I am going to start the ball rolling on this. I am creating a post on our reddit, sending an email to the ALS Association, and starting work on a mini-site to link to/from wearesatoshi.net to serve as a hub for all our community efforts. The ALS cure could be the charity we decide to donate to for the premine, or it could be totally separate. I just want to do this, and I hope others are behind me (please reply to add your support!). I think the cure for ALS is a cause we can get behind, especially considering the story of Bitcoin Beta Tester Hal Finney, who we all know through our mutual friend Satoshi Nakamoto. If We Are Satoshi, we should show our love for our friend Hal and everyone who is afflicted with this debilitating disease. Imagine the happiness we can give to Hal, if we all get together and show him how much we care, and how thankful we are for his service to humanity.
All proceeds from sales of donated WAS or donated BTC will be given to ALS Association
http://alsa.org. We are going to raise as much money as we possibly can over a 3 month period, starting in April, and running until July. The donation will be made with the name Satoshi Nakamoto, and if room is given for a note, it will say "For my friend, Hal Finney."
Reddit post:
http://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreSatoshi/comments/21jvth/was_for_als_cure/ANNOUNCEMENT: Anyone who can provide some advice or help to spread the word about our cause, we will be offering free WAS! Just get the wallet at the official site: http://wearesatoshi.net and post your address here.
(Note: This WAS is coming from the promotional fund wallet, not from the donation fund wallet. To contribute to the promotional fund wallet or to donate to the ALS Cure drive please visit the original post:
http://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreSatoshi/comments/21jvth/was_for_als_cure/ )
Emails sent.
Site underway.
Launch WAS for ALS mini-site
Establish social networking pages "WAS4ALS"? "WASforALScure"? Open to suggestions for the page url/short name
Increase network growth through other ALS cure organizations
Please help by googling for ALS cure message boards / groups, registering, and posting. Will be posting links soon for fast ways you can help increase our growth.
Donation fund, all proceeds to ALS Association:BTC - 1AXjcUGP2ry1K3Z5cQ3Aukhkeezetqq6HX
WAS - WYh4WJ7BkFtXCnubvqrDcbe2zcw8LhoBkG
Promotional fund for WeAreSatoshi Foundation marketing efforts:
BTC - 1J4bqkM3eMPebjQSNUZa8dBDry3JdUZSen
WeAreSatoshi Foundation is a nonprofit org which has applied for registration in Ohio.