Another update:
We are still working on "real" blockchain games at the moment, and they are coming.....
Soccer Manager Crypto > Soccer Manager EliteWe are still working with Soccer Manager to get out the beta. So unfortunately you still need to wait.
The game design has changed massively and it's going to be really exciting. It's also being re-branded - and the new name for the game is:
Soccer Manager Elite.
A bit of unreleased information - The Game will only allow up to 300 Managers of the teams... BUT... the game is still playable by 10000s+. We are hoping to get some information out how this works as soon as we are able. For now - patience is required
There will be no other game like this.
ProjectX > TaurionWe've been working full blast on our in house full on MMO and more information can be found out about it here Please check it out. We are really excited about it (about playing it..) - So much information hasn't yet been released in that post but it's going to be amazing.
Check out the videos on the forum link
TreatfighterTricky Fast are keeping everyone updated whilst working on UI fixes and are hoping for a release of the first blockchain game on XAYA. You can keep up to date on the Treat Fighter forum section.
XayaID XIDWe've finished the first implementation of XayaID. You can read the readme here > a nutshell - his allows for the creation of secure IDs on XAYA to login to websites, games, chat systems and more.
We have already implemented this into ejabard opensource XMPP server. will allow for secure real-time chat (and other things like trading and more..) in and out of games using your XayaID. It will also allow for encrypted end to end chat using Xaya's blockchain for security and human readable names along with the scalability of XMPP.
You will know that the person you are talking to IS that player and with encryption, your plotting and plannings won't be eaves dropped..
Group, faction, global chats.. ejabberd is used by large players in the gaming space, such as CCP for their chat system in Eve Online.
We've updated the XAYA Docs / Tutorials - >