Hi all. Forks are fixed with the latest wallet update which you can find on the official Discord @
https://discord.gg/7yCjgMq . Also, since we now have access to new seed nodes as well as the old seed nodes, we are able to maintain the chain and prevent future forks.
to Bytles who asked:
Masternodes coins are still your coins. you can move them whenever you want; the only difference is they will not stake if they are in a masternode.
Masternodes require exactly 1000 coins, no more no less.
Rewards go to your wallet automatically or you can specify another address during the setup if you like
There are plenty of guides on the Discord plus a very strong community that is growing daily filled with people who are willing to help those in need while setting up MNs, wallets and fixing fork issues.
to Vella85: there have absolutely not been any new forks in the last week. Please sync your wallet to the correct chain via the guide located on the discord, update your wallet and eliminate any future forks for yourself.
We are switching to the rebranded Xuez coin due to the original dev, who did a fantastic job with the original coin, leaving due to personal issues and forcing the community to step in and take over. He is planning to come back to help when and where he can, but why wait when a community this strong is willing to continue the work. The best way forward is the rebrand at this point.
New coin. New team. New devs. New marketing. New roadmap. New whitepaper. New way forward. Xios is stronger than ever and Xuez will only continue that into 2018!